Massive Dragon’s Dogma 2 spoilers leak days before release | Top Vip News


A red Dragon's Dogma 2 dragon roars at the camera as things catch fire and burn around it.

Image: Capcom

I come to you with bad (but probably expected) news. Spoilers for Capcom’s high fantasy role-playing game Dragon Dogma 2 were leaked ahead of its March 22 release, with some players streaming four to six hours of uncut gameplay over the weekend of March 15. As is usual with this type of thing, be careful online.

According eurogamer and IGN, the leaks appear to come from players who had early copies of the game, although no one knows exactly how this happened. My guess, however, is that the stores broke their March 22 sale date (which happened The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom two weeks before its release on May 12, 2023) or people changed their console’s time zone to arrive early, such as people did it with some mortal kombat 1 Skins in November 2023. Either way, spoilers are out now and they run the gamut of the game. I’m not going to go into explicit details (you can easily find them if you want), but I’ve seen the map size, classes Capcom hasn’t revealed yet, bosses, dungeons, endgame content, and much more. There are a lot of leaks floating around out there. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to silence the phrase. Dragon Dogma 2”And any associated keywords while you move online.

Capcom seems to be on the case, bombarding posts and streams containing Dragon Dogma 2 spoilers. This is the Internet, however, so their efforts could be questionable, especially when, according to a streamer I saw playing early, people apparently have multiple Twitch accounts dedicated to leaking games. “Games I’ve leaked so far that I played early? “I can give you all a list,” the streamer said. “I played Avatar: Pandora’s Borders early. I played shit Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden early. I played Final Fantasy VII Rebirth early. And now this. There are a couple of things I aired early because I feel like people should see them.”

kotaku has contacted Capcom for comment.

Leaks and spoilers aside, Dragon Dogma 2 It is shaping up to be 2024 escape role play. Between hyperrealistic meat, Star Wars-Mystic Spearhand-style classand crazy character creator, Capcom is bringing the heat with this sequel. You may have your hands full with Rise of the Ronin right now, but as soon as I finish that, I’ll move on to Dragon Dogma 2. I can’t wait for it to take over my life.

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