Megan Fox reacts to Machine Gun Kelly’s opaque tattoo


Posted: 4:51 am PDT, March 20, 2024

Megan fox is opening up about Kelly machine gunit is recent full torso tattoo. In a new interview in the Call your dad with Alex Cooper In the podcast, the 37-year-old actress is asked about her reaction to her on-again, off-again love’s bold new body art.

“He has a really special story behind why he did that, which I’ll obviously let him tell,” Fox shared about Kelly, who also goes by Colson Baker. “But the relationship with the tattoos that he had was very emotionally conflicting, no matter what they represented, and I don’t really know, but he didn’t like revisiting those memories of some of the tattoos that he had and wanted to get rid of them.”

As for the final result, Fox described the new tattoo as “very artistic.”

“I get kind of like Rick Owens,” he said, referring to a minimalist fashion designer. “It’s like an elevated version of all those tattoos they got together. I think it’s really stylish and ahead of his time. I think in 10 years it will be a trend.”

Megan fox
Megan Fox calls her dad with Alex Cooper – ‘Call her dad’/YouTube

Fox doesn’t believe, however, that the average person would be able to endure the level of pain needed to do such a thick ink job.

“I don’t know how many people can handle that kind of pain. They put people to sleep and give them tattoos, but he did it wide awake and without painkillers,” he shared. “I actually don’t know how he endured that level of pain.”

Noting that he attended one of the tattoo sessions, Fox called the process a “spiritual initiation” and added that he wanted to “respect” Kelly’s space during that time.

As for their relationship status, Fox remained vague.

“I think what I’ve learned from being in this relationship is that it’s not for public consumption,” she said. “I don’t think, as of now, I have any comment on the status of the relationship, per se. What I can say is that he is what I refer to as my ‘soulmate’ and there will always be an attachment to him, “no matter what. I can’t say for sure what the capacity will be, but I will always be connected to it in some way. Beyond that, I’m not willing to explain.”

Fox also talked about her own cherry blossom tree tattoo, saying it started when she first dyed her hair, calling that moment a “metamorphosis.”

She noted that it all arose from the purchase of temporary tattoos for her and her three children at the Temu site.

“I thought, ‘Wow, I love it,'” she said of her fake sleeve, adding, “And I instantly made an appointment to have surgery on my arm.”

Kelly debuted her ink online in February, writing on Instagram at the time: “For spiritual purposes only.”


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