Miller’s Girl – Plugged In


Sexual Content

This film is verbally graphic and visually very sensual (while avoiding direct nudity).

Cairo decides to write in the style of Henry Miller, an author whose works were originally banned from publication in the United States because of their descriptive sexual language. She and Jonathan Miller (her teacher) narrate her sexually explicit prose. We hear other sexually explicit material read out loud, too. And the word “pornographic” is brought up more than once. (A variety of terms for male and female genitals are used as well.)

But there’s also an affair happening between the adult teacher and the 18-year-old high school student. Cairo writes, “For Jonathan, love Cairo,” at the top of her salacious assignment. Mr. Miller masturbates (no nudity, but we see movements) as he reads it. A fantasy sequence shows the pair acting out some of the sexual descriptions (fully clothed).

In real life, they attend a poetry reading together where they look more like a couple on a date than a student and teacher. And Cairo arranges for Mr. Miller to come to her house (while her parents are out of town), where she meets him in a form-fitting satin gown, and they kiss.

Another affair occurs between Winnie and Coach Fillmore, Mr. Miller’s best friend. Their flirtatious encounters are filled with innuendo, but nothing physical ever ensues. (Although Winnie borrows Fillmore’s phone and puts it in her bra for safekeeping, making a big deal of this when she hands it back to him later.) And Fillmore later deletes incriminating text messages between them.

But Winnie doesn’t seem to mind since she professes to be a lesbian. She harbors an unrequited love for Cairo, and the girls frequently talk about sex and virginity. But in one instance, the two young ladies remove their shirts (they’re wearing bras) and make out. Cairo photographs this encounter and makes Winnie send it to Fillmore to entice him.

Mr. Miller and his wife, Beatrice, also share a few intimate scenes together, kissing and nearly having sex. Beatrice is frequently seen wearing a bra or slip dress beneath her robe. And she teases Jonathan about Cairo’s writing, even asking him to read it to her as a form of foreplay.

Teen girls wear revealing outfits, and they mention their intent to attract older men. A few male characters dress effeminately and wear makeup. We see a nude painting in Mr. Miller’s house.

[Spoiler warning] Despite her earlier teasing, Beatrice is hurt when she realizes that her husband has real feelings for Cairo that he’s acted upon. And it’s heavily suggested that she plans to divorce him.


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