Olivia Munn has breast cancer and underwent a double mastectomy


Olivia Munn revealed that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in an Instagram post she shared on March 13.

He mail It includes a series of photographs and videos of Munn, 43, in the hospital and a letter he wrote describing how he came to his diagnosis.

“I hope sharing this helps others find comfort, inspiration and support in their own journey,” the actress wrote in her caption.

In the letter, Munn explained that she was diagnosed in February 2023 after undergoing a series of genetic tests. Although she tested negative for the BRCA gene, a mutation commonly linked to breast cancer, and her mammogram was clear, Munn’s OB-GYN later determined that she had a 37% lifetime risk of having breast cancer.

So Munn underwent an MRI, an ultrasound and a biopsy. “Two months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” she wrote.

What is luminal B cancer?

Munn wrote that she has luminal B cancer in both breasts, which Munn described as “a fast-moving, aggressive cancer.”

Doctors and researchers classify cancer into groups based on genetic information, depending on the Mayo Clinic. Luminal B breast cancer is estrogen receptor positive, meaning the cancer cells depend on estrogen to grow. So, if estrogen production stops with treatment, ideally the cells will also stop growing, depending on the National Cancer Institute.

Luminal B is also usually HER2 negative. HER2 is the protein that helps breast cancer cells grow, according to the American Cancer Society. When it is negative, that means the cancer is not likely to respond to drugs targeting HER2.

Luminal B cancer can also be expected to be progesterone receptor negative, meaning it will not respond very well to hormone therapy.

“Approximately 15 to 20 percent of breast cancers are luminal B tumors,” according to Susan G. Komen. And “women with luminal B tumors are often diagnosed at a younger age than those with luminal A tumors.”

What is a breast cancer risk assessment?

If it weren’t for her OB-GYN, Dr. Thaïs Aliabadi, Munn said she wouldn’t have been diagnosed for another year. Aliabadi recommended Munn have her breast cancer risk assessment score calculated to determine her likelihood of having breast cancer. “The fact that she did that saved my life,” Munn wrote.

“Dr. Aliabadi looked at factors like my age, my family history of breast cancer, and the fact that I had my first child after age 30,” Munn continued. There are at least 24 risk assessment models used to determine a person’s score, based on Cleveland Clinic.

“…The way I explained it to my patients, if you had a 37 and a half percent chance of boarding a plane that was going to crash, would you ever get on that plane?” said Aliabadi, who appeared on TODAY in an exclusive interview. . “And the answer is almost always no.”

If Munn had delayed longer, Aliabadi said on the show, the cancer likely would have grown and she and “her probably wouldn’t have been at an early stage.”

Munn urged her followers to ask their doctors to evaluate their likelihood of developing breast cancer. Aliabadi, Munn wrote, says that if the score is above 20%, he would need annual mammograms starting at age 30.

What treatment did Olivia Munn receive?

As part of her treatment, Munn said she has undergone four surgeries in the past 10 months, including a double mastectomy, when both breasts are removed. In that time, she said she “learned more about cancer, cancer treatment and hormones” than she could have imagined. And she thanked her family, friends and breast cancer patients she was connected to over the past year for their support.

She also wrote about being grateful to her partner, John Mulaney, “for the nights he spent researching what each operation and medication meant and what side effects and recovery to expect.” And he expressed his gratitude to her for being present when she went in and out of surgery.

Since receiving his diagnosis, Munn has been intentional about maintaining his privacy. “I needed to catch my breath and get through some of the hardest parts before sharing,” she wrote.

Until now, she only let people see her when her energy levels were high, she was able to get dressed, leave the house and take her son, Malcolm, to the park, she added. She “presented” all the emotions and noted that she only cried twice.

In a video Munn shared on Instagram, Aliabadi hugs Munn, who is in a hospital bed, wearing a surgical gown and cap, and tells Munn to do this for his son before Munn says, “I’m ready”.

Munn also included photos of her receiving a mammogram, an exam and the framed photo of Mulaney and her son that she woke up to after surgery.

On Instagram, Aliabadi called Munn “brave” and celebrated her for “inspiring countless women.” And she continued: “Unfortunately, many women are unaware of the high risk they run throughout their lives and can end up with breast cancer at a more advanced stage. Olivia, your bravery illuminates those who suffer in silence. I am so proud of you.”

Even though she was diagnosed with cancer at such a young age, Munn said she feels lucky.

“We caught it early enough for him to have options,” he wrote. “I want the same for any woman who has to face this one day.”

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