Olivia Munn’s aggressive breast cancer and double mastectomy are a wake-up call for all women


Actress Olivia Munn has announced that she has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and has undergone a double mastectomy, and her story is one that all women need to read.

The 43-year-old, who has a 2-year-old son with comedian John Mulaney, shared her experience with photos, videos and a written statement shared on Instagram.

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” she wrote in the caption. “I hope sharing this helps others find comfort, inspiration and support in their own journey.”

Munn shared that she had taken a genetic test in February 2023 in an effort to be proactive about her health and was relieved to discover that the test came back negative for all 90 cancer genes that the test checked for, including the cancer gene BRCA breast cancer. In the previous months, she had had a clear mammogram, so there was no indication that anything was wrong.

“Two months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer,” she wrote.


She explained that her OB-GYN had decided to calculate her breast cancer risk assessment score, which takes into account age, lifestyle, family history, how old she was when she had her first child and other factors that may affect your chance of getting breast cancer.

When Munn’s score came back at a 37% chance of having cancer, she was sent for an MRI, which led to a biopsy, which found Luminal B cancer in both breasts.

“Luminal B is an aggressive and rapidly evolving cancer,” Munn wrote. “30 days after that biopsy I had a double mastectomy. I went from feeling completely fine one day to waking up in a hospital bed after a 10-hour surgery the next day.”

Munn said he’s lucky because they caught it in time to have options. “I want the same for any woman who has to face this one day. Ask your doctor to calculate your breast cancer risk assessment score.” Her doctor says that if the score is greater than 20%, she should have an annual mammogram and MRI starting at age 30.

According to CNN, there are two models commonly used as breast cancer risk assessment tools: the gail model and the Tyrer-Cuzick Risk Assessment Calculator. Both have online versions that allow you to calculate your score for free (although you should always consult your doctor with any concerns you may have). Munn wrote that she would not have found the cancer for a year at her next mammogram if it weren’t for his doctor calculating his risk score.

He also shared more about what followed his unexpected diagnosis:

“In the last ten months I’ve had four surgeries, I’ve spent so many days in bed I can’t even count them, and I’ve learned more about cancer, cancer treatment, and hormones than I ever imagined. Surprisingly, I’ve only cried. twice. “I guess I didn’t feel like there was time to cry. My concentration was reduced and I postponed any emotions that I felt would interfere with my ability to keep a clear mind.


I’ve tended to let people see me when I have energy, when I can get dressed and leave the house, when I can take my baby to the park. I’ve kept the diagnosis, the worry, the recovery, the painkillers, and the paper gowns private. “I needed to catch my breath and get through some of the harder parts before sharing.”

Finally, she thanked all of her loved ones who have loved her throughout her breast cancer journey, including John Mulaney, who researched all of her medical procedures and made sure her son’s framed photo was the first thing she saw when she woke up. She also thanked her medical team that has been taking care of her, from her OB-GYN to her oncologist, to the nurses and support staff at the hospital.

Munn sharing her story could help other women who may not know their risk or feel complacent about breast cancer screening take a proactive approach.

For more information about breast cancer, visit the American Cancer Society or the Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

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