One day: I rarely saw people like me in lead roles, says Ambika Mod


  • By Noor Nanji
  • cultural reporter


Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall take on the starring roles of Emma and Dexter in One Day

Ambika Mod was just 13 years old when she first read One Day, David Nicholls’ best-selling novel.

But she says her younger self could never have imagined that, years later, she would be playing lead character Emma Morley in the new TV adaptation of the book.

“God, no, all of this still seems crazy to me,” the actress tells BBC News.

Mod, now 29, was born in Hatfield to Indian immigrant parents. When she was growing up, she says she didn’t see many people from ethnic minorities taking lead roles in Western productions.

“Even up until my 20s, it was pretty rare in television and film,” he recalls.

Mod is not bad. Too often, black, Asian and other ethnic minority actors have tended to be cast as best friends or supporting characters, rather than playing central roles.

That has changed in recent years, Mod notes. “But I think we still have a long way to go.”

Mod is taking on a beloved lead role, one previously played by Anne Hathaway in the 2011 film version of One Day.

He stars alongside Leo Woodall, 27, who plays Dexter Mayhew in the new Netflix series.

Both roles were cast “regardless of ethnicity,” Mod explains, adding, “I think (that decision) was definitely the right one for Emma.

“I think it opens up a completely different dimension of his character and his identity that is prevalent in the book and I think it’s further enhanced by my casting in the series.”

The actress admits it’s “significant” to have a non-white person play the role.

“I hope this opens people’s minds a little bit,” he says. “I realize how important it will be for a lot of people, especially young women of color, particularly young South Asian women.”


Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess starred in the 2011 version of One Day

One Day is a love story spanning decades, told in the television series in 14 episodes. It tells the story of Emma and Dexter’s relationship, revisited on the same day every year for 20 years.

Woodall, meanwhile, played Essex boy Jack in The White Lotus, the apparent nephew of Quentin, played by Tom Hollander.

However, One Day could be life-changing for both young actors, especially if it achieves the same level of success as other recent book-to-TV adaptations, such as Normal People and Bridgerton.

Woodall, who read the book during the audition process, admits it was “a little daunting” playing such a beloved character.

Dexter is effortlessly charming and comes from a privileged background, but later in life he faces challenges that are explored in the television series.

“Dexter is a little difficult to get close to and he goes through a lot, and I knew those moments were very important to me,” she says.

“But I was also very, very excited to do it, and then when I found out Ambika was doing it too, I was very happy.”

Meanwhile, once Mod landed the role, he says he spent time crafting a backstory for Emma, ​​analyzing where she came from, her studies, and other tidbits to make her “feel more real.”

“For every character I play, I always create a backstory,” he said. “I think it’s really important to know where they come from.”

Before the release of One Day, Phil Harrison of The Guardian said: “It’s never a simple love story: the pair fit together in a slightly contradictory way and their mutual wariness means they seem doomed to keep slipping through each other’s grasp.

“There is a wistful sense of melancholy about receding youth, with very enjoyable performances from Ambika Mod and Leo Woodall.”


The story follows the relationship of Emma (Ambika Mod) and Dexter (Leo Woodall) over 20 years.

The couple didn’t have much time to develop their chemistry before filming on the series began.

But they found ways to get to know each other on set. One way was to play, like guessing each person’s favorite flavor of chips.

That helped avoid any awkwardness when filming sex scenes, Woodall says.

“When we were doing intimate scenes,” he continues, “we knew each other so well that we felt comfortable with each other.”

‘We hope you like it’

Published in 2009, David Nicholls’ novel became a word-of-mouth sensation, selling millions of copies worldwide and receiving critical acclaim.

Nicholls, 57, who is also a screenwriter, was executive producer of the new television series.

“I’ve written six novels in total, but when people occasionally say, ‘I enjoyed your book,’ I know which book they’re referring to. Readers still say they see themselves in Emma and they see their friends in Dexter , and that means a lot, that sense of identification.

“And yes,” he added, “it’s an epic love story, but looking back at it now it strikes me as a book primarily about friendship, about our ability to improve each other’s lives through conversation and caring.”

Both actors praise the author, with Woodall describing him as “very humble.”

He was “very involved,” says Mod. “But also, even though this was his book and his creation, he was also very happy that everyone could follow it, and it was really amazing to see.”

Despite the great success of the book, the 2011 film disappointed at the box office.

So can the TV series accomplish what the movie couldn’t?

“I don’t think any of us have any preconceived ideas or expectations about what might happen,” Mod said.

“But if we do (start to be recognized on the street) it’s only because people will have loved the show and that’s all we want.”

One Day is available to stream on Netflix on Thursday, February 8.

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