Overwhelmed New Mom Hears Her Mom’s Perfect Parenting Advice Through Doorbell Camera | Top Vip News


“How the hell can one person do it all?”

This is a question that many mothers ask themselves. Especially after giving birth, when life seems to expect you to care for your newborn, recover your body, return to work, and maintain a clean house all at the same time.

It’s a question that had completely overwhelmed Monica Murphy, just a month after welcoming her third child, while still recovering from a C-section and caring for her other children, who were also breastfeeding, according to Today.com.

Fortunately for Murphy, his mother had the perfect advice to ease his troubled mind. And luckily for us, it was all caught on the family’s doorbell camera.

In a viral now instagram postMurphy wrote down his formidable to-do list, which included:


Stay present on social networks

Keep a clean home

Tandem breastfeeding

Be present with my children

Eat a nutritious diet

Making time for my husband

Stay in touch with friends

making time for myself

Planning activities for children.

Frick decorate for Christmas

Followed by that burning question: “How the hell can one person do it all?”

Of course, Murphy had not expressed any of these tensions to his mother, who had been visiting. But still, her mother knew that something was weighing heavily on her daughter’s mind.

So, as he left, Murphy’s mother left him these words of wisdom:

“They won’t remember a clean house, they will remember how much you loved them and how much you spent with them.”


Murphy said Today.com that she “broke down” crying after her mom left, and was instantly inspired to share the video with other moms who needed similar encouragement.

In fact, the message struck a chord with thousands of viewers.

“The way I would have cried if she had told me that,” one person commented.

Another added: “I needed to hear this today.”

Some shared that it was a sentiment they would sadly never hear from their own mothers and that they are now becoming parents again.

“My mom just scolded me because I’m lazy and how am I supposed to leave my house in a mess. So I’m simply easing my anxiety with kind words from other people’s mothers. As I have done all my life. A clean house was above happy children,” one person wrote.

It can be very easy for moms to get lost in the endless cycle of responsibilities and, frankly, unrealistic social expectations. But we hope this sweet message can help moms everywhere be a little easier on themselves and really enjoy the time they spend with their kids. After all, that’s part of what family is.

This article originally appeared on 11/15/23.

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