Penalty provisions of proposed kickoff rule could be modified | Top Vip News


The proposed kickoff changes, which are extensive and comprehensive, include rules to enforce penalties that happens during a touchdown and during the attempt.

As things stand, penalties that occur during a touchdown play would apply only on the try, and penalties that occur during the try would result in the kicker moving, but not the other 21 members of the new kicking setup. initial.

According to a league source, the potential ramifications of that approach could result in adjustments to this approach. One concern arises from the possible temptation of defensive players to take risks, for example, by roughing up the passer if the problem were not a kick-off from midfield but a mid-range penalty on the try. Additionally, and as mentioned on Wednesday, a try penalty by the defense could be routinely denied, as kickers will feel more comfortable hitting the 20-yard landing zone from the usual 35-yard starting point. Therefore, defensive players might be more comfortable. willing to shoot someone during a one or two point conversion attempt.

The entire situation is fraught with possible unwanted and/or unforeseen consequences. If, for example, the penalty on a touchdown or try is applied at the beginning of the next drive, what happens if the kick return results in a touchdown? Would it be known even before the kick that a touchdown would be wiped off the board?

These are all wrinkles that will have to be resolved by the Competition Committee and the owners. There still needs to be a true disincentive to commit a penalty during a touchdown or try. The current proposed rule may not create sufficient consequences to deter difficult situations on any of the plays.

Frankly, the proposal has so many of these potential questions that it’s hard to imagine a final rule being adopted in March. Like many other rule changes from previous years, this one might not be finalized until the next round of owners meetings in May.

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