Random: Sakurai opposes CGI game trailers | Top Vip News


CGI trailers that refrain from showing any actual gameplay have often been a source of discourse in the gaming community. On the one hand, they can be quite effective at generating buzz, especially if it’s a highly anticipated release, but on the other hand, they often fail to demonstrate what the game will actually entail in terms of gameplay.

In his latest YouTube video, legendary creator Masahiro Sakurai takes issue with trailers that don’t show any actual gameplay, stating, “In some cases, trailers like those seen on a game’s Steam page won’t show any footage. game at all. Please don’t do that!”

He goes on to clarify that certain franchises or games made by specific creators can sometimes get away with not showing any gameplay, but for everyone else, demonstrating gameplay as soon as possible should be a top priority.

In what we believe should endure as a vital quote in the games industry, Sakurai says:

“No matter how much work you put into your trailer, it will never be at the level of a movie. Hurry up and show what makes your game attractive.”

Wise words, by the way. Fortunately, Nintendo itself has been pretty good when it comes to trailers for its games, with the company often combining CGI and gameplay visuals for maximum effect. Of course, Sakurai’s own Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was introduced with a CGI trailer, but we’re betting the franchise has gained enough renown over the years to get away with it.

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