Rumor: Xbox’s Hi-Fi Rush Reportedly Coming to ‘Switch 2’ | Top Vip News


Hifi fever
Image: Bethesda

Nintendo’s recent Partner Showcase blocked two Xbox games for Switch, but what about those? Hifi fever rumors?

According Internal games, the rhythm-based action game could actually be targeted for release on Switch 2, so a potential announcement could still be months away. This is exactly what the source said:

“It is currently unclear whether Hi-Fi Rush is coming to Switch or not, but sources have suggested that the game will be coming to Nintendo Switch 2, rather than the original Switch, so it could be a few more months before an official announcement “

When these rumors originally surfaced, questions arose about whether or not the rhythm-based game would be compromised on Switch, so a release of the system’s rumored successor could make sense.

A Hi-Fi Rush datamine earlier this month also apparently uncovered evidence of “platform-exclusive t-shirts” for other versions of the game. Please note the The PlayStation launch has already been officially confirmed.

The two Xbox games already announced for Switch include Grounded and Pentiment. Pentiment is available on the Switch eShop, with a physical release on the way, and Grounded will follow in April.

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