Russell Crowe Recalls ‘Robin Hood’ Filming Incident That Left Him With Broken Legs


Russell Crowe opens up about accident on the set of 201 Robin Hood which left his legs broken.

In an interview promoting land of bad guysCrowe recalled the incident and said People, “I jumped from a castle portcullis onto uneven ground as hard as a rock. We should have prepared the ground and buried a platform, but we were in a hurry to get the shot with the light getting dimmer.”

“With hundreds of extras around, arrows flying and pots burning the castle, there was no way to retreat,” he continued. “As I was jumping, I remember thinking, ‘This is going to hurt.’”

Crowe apparently landed on his heels first on the uneven ground, feeling “like an electric shock going through my body.”

“We were filming an important movie, so it is difficult for you, but the last month of that job was very difficult. There were several weeks where even walking was a challenge,” he added, noting that “he never talked about the injury with production” and “I never took a day off for it, I just kept going to work.”

Ten years after the incident, Crowe began to have pain and, after going to the doctor and getting x-rays, the doctor asked him when he had broken his legs after detecting “remnants of fractures in both shins.”

“Apparently I finished that movie with both of my legs broken,” he said. “Everything for art. “No cast, no splints, no painkillers, they just kept working and, over time, they healed themselves.”

After finishing filming Robin HoodCrowe took some time off and didn’t return to filming until 2013. Iron Manand the actor pointed out that “between free time and that training (for Iron Man), things took care of themselves.”

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