Scarlett Johansson parodies Katie Britt’s bizarre SOTU rebuttal


Saturday night liveThe cold open was indeed what many had asked for: a scathing parody of Alabama Sen. Katie Britt’s embarrassing rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address on Thursday.

SNLBritt, played by Scarlett Johansson, told viewers early on that for the next few minutes she would be “auditioning for the role of scary mom” and “performing an original monologue called ‘This Country is Hell.’”

“My husband Wesley and I just watched President Biden’s speech and what I saw was the performance of a permanent politician. But I? I’m not acting. I am not! I’m not!! “she exclaimed, putting her hand to her forehead theatrically.

“First of all, I’m a mom. And like any mother, I’m going to take a turn from nowhere into a shockingly violent story about sex trafficking. And rest assured, every detail about this is real, except the year, where it took place, and who was the president when it happened,” Johansson’s character continued, referring to how Britt cited events that occurred in Mexico in the mid-2000s to criticize Biden’s immigration policies.

“And tonight I’m not just responding to the State of the Union. “I also sell these gorgeous jeweled cross necklaces for QVC,” she continued, now playing a host on the shopping network channel.

After some more abrupt changes in tone, including becoming “strangely seductive for no apparent reason,” she alluded to the acclaimed 2017 horror film. Go out.

“My tea is ready,” he said ominously, rattling his spoon into a teacup before the camera panned to Kenan Thompson with tears streaming down his face.

“But the American people who are fighting right now should know this: We hear you. We see you. We smell you,” she concluded. “We’re inside your kitchen right now looking through your refrigerator. And what is that on the top shelf? Migrants!

Finally, Johansson’s character hinted at the lack of future political success that those who have presented rebuttals to the State of the Union seem to have suffered.

“To the president of the United States, I will just say this: Mr. Biden, this is not the last time you will see Katie Britt,” he said. “Maybe not in politics. But when you close your eyes, I’ll be there.”


Not only has Britt’s melodramatic response been mocked online and on television, but Republican operatives, conservative Capitol Hill staffers and lawyers, and senior members of Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign have admitted to having Rolling Stone how disappointing it was.

“I’ll give this to Biden,” said one Republican consultant. “At least she gave a better speech than Katie Britt.”

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