SNePS Pioneers in representing knowledge, reasoning and performance in AI | Top Vip News


Stuart C. Shapiro and his colleagues at the State University of New York at Buffalo developed SNePS in the late 1970s; Since then, it has evolved to become an essential tool for artificial intelligence studies.

Graphic type structure

SNePS uses a semantic network model, a graph-like structure with nodes representing concepts or objects and edges indicating relationships or associations between them. SNePS adopted a network-based approach instead of hierarchical structures or predicate logic used in previous AI systems, enabling versatile representation of complex knowledge and facilitating advanced reasoning capabilities.

Frame-based system

In addition to being a logic-based system, SNePS is a frame-based and network-based KRRA system. Because an SNePS knowledge base (KB) comprises a collection of assertions (propositions) about different entities, it employs an affirmative knowledge model. Their proposed model is an intensional domain of mental entities, that is, the propositions that an agent believes and the entities that it conceives. The lack of an inherent equality operator allows for intentionality because two syntactically distinct concepts could have marginally different Fregean meanings.

Inference methods

Three different inference methods are available in SNePS: formula-based, which comes from its logic-based personality; slot-based, which comes from his frame-based personality; and path-based, which comes from his network-based personality. However, all three are interconnected and work together.

It is possible to use SNePS as a stand-alone KRR system. In line with the GLAIR agent architecture (a layered cognitive architecture), it has also been used with its integrated actuation component to create the mind of intelligent agents (cognitive robots). SNePS Research Group refers to its agents as Cassie a lot.

Network based system

The initial definition of “SNePS” was “The Semantic Network Processing System” as it is a propositional semantic network and is a network-based system. Each slot is represented as a directed labeled arc connecting each filler node to each frame node, and each constant and functional term is a network node. According to the intended interpretation, each node represents a mental entity, some of which are propositions, and each node involving a proposition in the network represents a proposition. Specific nodes are variables that span and only about nodes in the SNePS logic.

Context-dependent information

SNePS stands out for its ability to efficiently manage context-dependent information. SNePS can handle many points of view, attitudes and assumptions by organizing knowledge into contexts, enabling sophisticated reasoning and decision making. SNePS can represent human-like cognition more accurately by being context-sensitive, reflecting the dynamic nature of knowledge and its interpretation in different environments.

Reasoning processes

SNePS incorporates inference methods to assist in reasoning processes. Using inheritance, deduction, and abduction techniques can generate new knowledge from current data, deduce causality, predict outcomes, and clarify uncertainties. Due to its inferential power, SNePS can handle complicated problems in various fields, such as natural language processing, expert systems, and cognitive modeling.

Intelligent Systems

SNePS highlights the importance of action in intelligent systems, along with knowledge representation and reasoning. It includes planning and execution systems, which allow autonomous agents to convert logical conclusions into appropriate behaviors. SNePS goes beyond theoretical abstraction by connecting cognition and behavior, showing real utility in real-world applications, including robotics, intelligent agents, and decision support systems.


SNePS has driven several advances in AI research and shaped the evolution of other knowledge representation systems over the years. Its impact goes beyond academia, as it is used in industry and influences the fields of cognitive science and computational intelligence.

SNePS exemplifies the continued search for advanced artificial intelligence systems that can understand, deduce, and operate in complex environments. SNePS has had a significant impact on the field of artificial intelligence through its new methods of representing knowledge, reasoning and action, driving the development of genuinely intelligent machines.

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