So far, the Skull and Bones beta has just made me want to play Sea of Thieves again


Skull and Bones is finally coming out this month (or so we’re told), and this week’s open beta is UbisoftThe last best chance to convince us that the long-delayed pirate game is worth $60. I played a few hours today and I can’t say that I’m convinced, although I don’t rule out that it improves in the end.

It starts with typical Ubisoft early-game love: Before you graduate as a boat captain, generic pirate NPCs make you demonstrate that you understand complicated game systems, like pressing F to collect floating loot, and send you schlepping away. the feet between small islands in search. of an acacia to cut down. That task took me a while, because other players had already harvested all the nearby acacia forests, and I guess it takes a while for them to respawn. Yo ho yo ho, another stump for me.

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Should logging in really be one of the first things you do in a pirate game? Probably not, but after acquiring wood and finally building a proper ship, I could focus on sinking NPC merchants to accumulate wealth and supplies, which is better.


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