Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection Reportedly Features the Work of an ‘Uncredited’ Modder | Top Vip News


Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection

Before last week’s troubled launch, Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection was already making headlines for “mistakenly” featuring footage of a community-created mod in an official trailer.

At the time, developer Aspyr said the game did not include “any code or content” from “unaccredited sources,” but now there are traces of the same mod from Asajj Ventress by ‘iamshaymin’ They have been discovered in the launch version of the game.

As highlighted IGN, PS5 version images on Reddit show iamashaymin’s Asajj Ventress mod “uncredited.” According to reports from several players, this has been patched and replaced with the Aspyr version, but the mod still appears to exist in an older version of the game, after Aspyr said it did not.

iamshaymin: “We don’t know how or why my Ventress ended up in the full version when they specifically told us it wouldn’t be.”

The same modder mentioned that the launch of the collection had been a “total disaster”, “especially considering that part of the patches are rumored to have removed content that they had already said had been removed months ago.”

Here’s how Aspyr originally responded to these claims (via IGN):

“We would like to thank the passionate Star Wars: Battlefront community for bringing this to our attention. When we captured placeholder images for our announcement last fall, we mistakenly included content that is not in the product, and that error caused “will make the final cut. The upcoming release of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection does not include any code or content taken from uncredited sources.”

Aspyr has also released a statement regarding the game’s online multiplayer release, which you can read in our previous post here on Nintendo Life:

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