Star Wars: Battlefront Modder Finds More Evidence That Classic Collection Uses Their Mod Even Though Aspyr Promised It Wouldn’t | Top Vip News


A veteran Star Wars: Battlefront modder has delved into the recently released Classic Collection and uncovered more evidence that the controversial release used his mod despite developer Aspyr promising it wouldn’t.

Last month, IGN reported on the Star Wars: Battlefront community’s concern sparked by the Classic Collection’s debut trailer, which suggested the game used a mod that brought previously Xbox-exclusive Battlefront 2 DLC to the PC original.

The original Battlefront 2 developed by Pandemic that released in 2005 had a DLC pack exclusive to the original Xbox version that added two new heroes (Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress) as well as four maps. Both Kit and Asajj had unique animations and movements that no other character had.

In 2021, modder iamashaymin brought the DLC to PC and changed the appearance of two existing characters to resemble Kit and Asajj (Ki Adi Mundi for Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura for Asajj Ventress). In the mod, Asajj does not hold her unique Linksabers (twin red lightsabers linked by fiber cables added especially for her in the DLC) in one hand, but instead wields two separate lightsabers, one in each hand, as she does. Aayla in the original game. . Similarly, Kit fights as Mundi.

At the time, developer Aspyr insisted that the Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection release “does not include any code or content taken from unaccredited sources,” telling IGN that it “mistakenly” included “content that is not in the product” after capturing it. Placeholder images for last fall’s trailer.

However, after the catastrophic release of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, which resulted in an “overwhelmingly negative” user review rating on Steam, iamashaymin said there was evidence to suggest that the game was indeed released with its mod, or at less with parts of your mod. , before updates removed them, in a revelation that drew criticism of Aspyr. Iamashaymin called it “a terrible punch in the gut.”

And now, Battlefront modders have delved into the Nintendo Switch version of the Classic Collection, which iamashaymin told IGN was released using “additional modified versions of the heroes from my mod before being replaced again in a patch.” Aspyr has not yet responded to IGN’s request for comment.

“We actually managed to dump, archive and extract data from this version of the build and can confirm that some files are the same as my original mod, specifically regarding the heroes’ projectiles,” said iamashaymin.

“The strange thing about this is that they are using the correct animations, but the weapon data file, the force bubble projectile, and the player models for both Kit Fisto and Asajj Ventress are from the PC mod,” he continued iamashaymin.

How can fans trust a company that doesn’t seem to value fan passion?

“Some of the files were only slightly modified in my mod to work on PC, but they still differ from the official models in some notable ways and the force bubble effect is a completely different projectile that I had to create myself.

“I’ve never had a problem with them using my mod, but now that they’ve responded saying what they did, sending these files in multiple versions of the game and not giving credit to the source is a problem. Not because it demands credit but simply because of Aspyr’s credibility. How can fans trust a company that doesn’t seem to value fan passion?

Hot on the heels of Star Wars Battlefront Classic Collection, modders including iamashaymin set out to fix the game. Aspry issued a statement addressing the failed launch, saying that it had experienced “critical errors” with its network infrastructure. This resulted in “incredibly high” ping, pairing errors, crashes, and servers not showing up in the browser.

Wesley is the UK news editor for IGN. Find him on Twitter at @wyp100. You can contact Wesley at or confidentially at

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