Student Loan Forgiveness Emails Flood Inboxes, With More On The Way


Many borrowers are receiving student loan forgiveness emails this month, as the Biden administration implements multiple debt relief initiatives. These programs are wiping out the federal student loan debt for hundreds of thousands of borrowers.

The initiatives are ongoing, with the latest batch of approvals sent just this week. Already, nearly four million borrowers have received student loan forgiveness, according to the Education Department. And more relief is expected to arrive in subsequent months.

Here’s the latest.

Student Loan Forgiveness Emails For SAVE Plan Enrollment Go Out This Week

More than 150,000 borrowers are set to receive student loan forgiveness email notifications this month through the SAVE plan. This income-driven repayment plan can provide affordable monthly payments tied to a borrower’s income, as well as an interest subsidy that will prevent any future balance increases.

Typically, IDR plans allow for complete federal student loan forgiveness after 20 or 25 years of repayment. But SAVE can cut that period short, depending on the original disbursement amount of the loans. Borrowers can receive loan forgiveness in as little as 10 years for initial balances totalling $12,000 or less. The loan forgiveness timeline increases by one year for every additional $1,000 disbursed.

This so-called “early” student loan forgiveness was supposed to go into effect later this summer. But the Biden administration accelerated this timeline, allowing borrowers to receive this benefit now. This week, tens of thousands of borrowers were approved for early debt relief.

“The U.S. Department of Education (Department) identified nearly 153,000 borrowers who are enrolled in SAVE plan who will have their debt cancelled starting this week, and those borrowers will receive an email today from President Biden informing them of their imminent relief,” according to a White House statement on Wednesday.

The department will continue to implement student loan relief under SAVE on a rolling basis. “Next week, the Department of Education will also be reaching out directly to borrowers who are eligible for early relief but not currently enrolled in the SAVE Plan to encourage them to enroll as soon as possible,” said the statement.

Borrowers Get Student Loan Forgiveness Emails Under IDR Account Adjustment

Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues to implement relief under the IDR Account Adjustment, a somewhat related initiative. Under this temporary program, borrowers can have past periods of repayment, and certain periods of deferment and forbearance, counted toward their IDR student loan forgiveness term as if they had been in an IDR plan. The initiative is designed to rectify a multitude of historic problems with IDR programs, including forbearance-steering by servicers and poor oversight by the Education Department.

Already, more than 900,000 borrowers have been approved for student loan forgiveness under the program. The department is implementing the adjustment every two months, and the latest wave of nearly 30,000 borrowers received emails this month notifying them that their loans have been discharged.

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s income-driven repayment fixes are granting you forgiveness,” reads the text of the email.

The adjustment will continue every two months through this summer. The department anticipates completing implementation in July, at which point borrowers who have not reached the milestone for loan forgiveness will be notified of their progress through official IDR payment counts. They can then continue in an IDR plan to get the rest of the way to their loan forgiveness milestone.

Student Loan Forgiveness Approvals Through PSLF Are Ongoing

The IDR Account Adjustment can also benefit borrowers seeking student loan forgiveness through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. PSLF can shorten the loan forgiveness timeline to as little as 10 years for borrowers who have committed to jobs in the nonprofit or public sectors. The account adjustment allows past periods of repayment, and some periods of deferment and forbearance, to also count toward loan forgiveness through PSLF (as well as IDR).

More than 790,000 borrowers have received student loan forgiveness under PSLF through the IDR Account Adjustment and the earlier Limited PSLF Waiver, according to the Education Department. The department is updating PSLF payment counts on a monthly basis, and borrowers who reach the 120-payment threshold (equivalent to 10 years) will get their loans discharged.

“Congratulations! We completed our review of your repayment and qualifying employment history under the PSLF Program rules, including the Limited PSLF Waiver, and awarded PSLF credit based on these requirements,” reads a standard email sent to qualifying borrowers. “We determined you have successfully met the requirements of the PSLF Program and your loans have been forgiven. Thank you for your public service!”

New Biden Student Loan Forgiveness Plan

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is developing a new student loan forgiveness plan. This initiative will target several groups of borrowers for relief, including those who are experiencing hardship.

The Education Department is holding a public negotiated rulemaking session this week. Final regulations are anticipated by this spring.


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