Summary of Those Who Live, episode 1


Are you the kind of person who whispers “That’s Rick Grimes” every time you look? love in reality And see Andrew Lincoln? I have amazing news if you’re secretly longing for the hardened action star’s brief but impactful rom-com days. Not only is zombie killer Rick Grimes back and better than ever. The Walking Dead: Those Who Live, but he is a simpleton with heart eyes and, furthermore, a wife type. We won! The “Richonne”-focused spinoff, which was originally developed as a movie, delivers the romance right away. I couldn’t be more excited either Delighted!

Said that, those who live Not everything is charm. The opening image of the series, which begins some time after Rick Grimes’ departure. The Walking Dead’narrative, It’s quite heartbreaking. The first thing we see is Rick trying to commit suicide. It’s jarring! How did he get to this point? Why did Rick never escape captivity and return to his wife and children? Where is the? those who live Answer those questions quickly before asking a dozen more.

After that bitter cold, the episode returns to “five years after the bridge”, a reference to Lincoln’s last proper episode. The Walking Dead and the last time Rick and Michonne saw each other. In season nine, a bridge exploded, injuring Rick, and a minor antagonist named Anne (Pollyanna McIntosh) took the opportunity to kidnap him for a secret military operation called CRM, also known as the Civic Republic Army.

The Army of the Civic Republic has appeared sporadically The Walking Dead and its derivatives for a time. They’re probably the largest organized group of the apocalypse, at least in North America, but it’s hard to know for sure. The CRM helicopters and three-ring logo first appeared in The Walking Deadand then in Fear the living dead as a sinister but unexplored threat. Anne introduced us to CRM’s penchant for human trafficking. Isabelle, CRM pilot and love interest in Fear the living dead, highlighted the need for the organization to maintain complete secrecy before defecting. AND The Walking Dead: The World Beyond took place in and around the CRM community in Omaha, Nebraska. That community falls at the end of the first season. (More on that later).

those who live The pilot focuses primarily on Rick’s time at the CRM since the bridge incident. We get a taste of her life through conversations with other characters and voiceovers of letters Rick writes to Michonne to feel close to her. The Walking Dead It’s rarely so… first-person. The episode was like curling up with a novel about a beleaguered protagonist looking for a home, like like The Odyssey, the works of Charles Dickens, or, honestly, black beauty. (Sorry for comparing Rick Grimes to a horse.)

Throughout the episode there are dreams that Rick has about Michonne. There are no walkers in them. Rick is just a normal guy lost on his first day at work when he sees Michonne on a park bench, asks her for directions and falls in love with her at first sight. It’s a damn cute encounter! He returns to the bench every day to have lunch with her. He brings him a pizza of hers. He talks about proposing marriage. They kiss. It’s pure unadulterated fluff. Rick and Michonne’s romance was not immediate The Walking Dead and it developed mainly in the background. They were allies before they were friends and friends before they were lovers. It’s so nice to see these characters get the chance to flirt and fawn over each other in a stress-free, zombie-free environment, and look curse It’s a good thing to do, if I may add.

But let’s get back to reality. Five years after the bridge, Rick is stuck working on a “shipping” with other CRM captives. The voice of a robotic woman straight out of a Starship Troopers The recruitment video informs us that the CRM grants citizenship in the fully functional “hidden city” of Philadelphia to its captives after spending six years killing zombies and scavenging for supplies. (We also see that with Rick’s new friend Esteban, who is rewarded for his service with a middle management position. Yeah?) But Rick isn’t interested in the City of Brotherly Love. He wants to return to his family, not disappear. He has tried to escape before and will do it again.

We find out that the post-credits scene after The Walking Dead The series finale, in which Rick writes Michonne a message in a bottle and surrenders to the CRM helicopters, was escape attempt number 3. Because of this, the CRM soldiers keep Rick tied up during their shifts. Even that is not enough to deter him! As soon as he’s out of sight, cuts his hand to cut the tie and flee. It’s very metallic, but unfortunately it doesn’t go very far.

Apparently, the only reason Rick has survived in the CRM is thanks to Lt. Col. Donald Okafor (Craig Tate). He singles out Rick and a woman named Pearl Thorne (Lesley-Ann Brandt). Both routinely challenge the CRM: Rick has tried to flee and Pearl has tried to kill Okafor. She tells them that they are both “A” by the CRM metric: freethinkers and leaders. The procedure, Okafor says, is to kill the “A’s” they find and keep the common people the CRM considers “B.” He wants Pearl and Rick to join him in a secret program and help him change the CRM from within.

“(Escaping) cost you the last time,” Okafor tells Rick. “Next time, it’s your life. “Do something with it.” That’s a very There’s something condescending to say to a man like Rick Grimes, who worked very hard to build a life and a family in the apocalypse and only talks to Okafor because he was kidnapped… but lord, yes, lord!

Rick follows the military man’s plan and is fitted with a knife-like prosthetic fist, but only so he can orchestrate his next escape attempt. He rises through the ranks, keeps Okafor’s secret plan a secret from Major General Beale (Terry O’Quinn) and obtains information from Esteban that he needs to fake his own death from him and escape through a tunnel while he is in a mission. But that attempt also fails!

Next, our intrepid hero attempts to take down Okafor himself. Rick goes crazy and rages at Okafor and the CRM for playing God with human lives and making decisions for him. In their confrontation, we learn that when Okafor was in the United States Army; he was responsible for bombing Atlanta and Los Angeles at the beginning of the zombie outbreak. Hey! That is where The Walking Dead and Fear the living dead took place in their respective first seasons. Their network, dare I say, connects them all.

The lieutenant general then tells Rick that he will transfer him and Pearl to the Cascades in Oregon to build a military base. Later that night, back at his apartment, Pearl and Rick watch the news and discover that the community of Omaha has fallen. Pearl appears to have taken out CRM, convinced that Omaha was destroyed because they didn’t stay hidden, and she breaks a glass. “We all want to be somewhere else with someone else,” she says, “but we get stuck in the right place.” Once again, it’s ridiculous and condescending to say that to Rick Grimes. I know times are terrible, but his family is only 150 miles away! He’s in Pennsylvania! They’re in Virginia!

After Pearl leaves, Rick puts one of the glass shards around his neck. This is the lowest point we saw at the beginning of the episode. He can’t escape. They are moving it all over the country. And Okafor knows about Michonne. In his last letter to his wife, he tells her that although she could not end her life, she decided to die by disappearing. He burns iPhone photos. He goes to Oregon. He stops talking. He buries himself in work.

So the overlapping word “NOW” tells us it is the present, I guess. Rick pilots a helicopter on a mission with Okafor. But not by much. Something or someone shoots down the plane. Okafor dies. Rick flees from his attacker in the woods, who turns out to be Michonne! Holy narrative risk, Batman! They really brought those two crazy kids together quickly. I’m intrigued by the choice. I assumed the show would be about finding each other again, so I’m excited to see what happens next. He look Those two share as the episode fades to black that could melt diamonds.

I sometimes wonder how I, a millennial woman who habitually avoids most horror movies and didn’t start reading comics until I was 20, became such a walking Dead fanatic. I’m “supposed” to not like this show. It’s me doing here? The best reason I can think of is characters and relationships like Rick and Michonne. These are intense human stories about people who care about each other in ways that I and my bickering group chat can’t understand. And my perspective has some advantages. When Rick dreamed up how to enter a fan-fiction scenario, I didn’t flinch. those who live It’s for viewers like me.

• In the CRM they call walkers “delts”. How Greek.

• As fans of The world beyond (There are dozens of us) I will tell you that the destruction of Omaha was an inside job. Rick is right to be suspicious.

• Reference was made to Beale in The world beyondtoo, and one of the teenage characters in that spin-off was his son, Mason (Will Meyers).

• Categorizing Rick as “A” and not “B” contradicts the only other time we have heard this terminology in The Walking Dead. When Anne kidnapped Rick, she called him “B.” She specifically said that he was No An A”. Therefore, I have to assume that Anne was lying to protect him. How nice!

• If you allow me, I would like to publish something in the universe. There is a character in The Walking Dead who disappeared as Rick named Heath, played by Corey Hawkins, and if he appeared in the hidden city of the CRM, I would be very happy.

• How impressive is it that Rick remembers to cauterize the wound after cutting his hand? I thought he worked well under pressure, damn it.

• “The Last Letter I Write to You (That You’ll Never See)” would make a great pop-punk song.

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