‘Super-Earth’: NASA discovers a potentially habitable planet, 137 light years away | Top Vip News


NEW DELHI: US space agency POT has made the discovery of a “super earth“, a planet potentially capable of supporting life, located 137 light years away.
In a press release, NASA stated: “A ‘super Earth’ ripe for further investigation orbits a small, reddish star that, by astronomical standards, is quite close to us, just 137 light-years away. The same system could also host a second, Earth-sized planet.”
The planet, called TOI-715b, is about one and a half times the width of Earth and orbits around a small reddish star relatively close to us in astronomical terms. NASA suggests it may be within the “conservative” habitable zone, where liquid water could exist on its surface. The planet completes a full orbit in 19 days.
“Of course, several other factors would have to coincide for there to be surface water, especially if it has a suitable atmosphere. But the conservative habitable zone – a narrower and potentially stronger definition than the broader ‘optimistic’ habitable zone – raises it.” It is in a privileged position, at least according to the approximate measurements made so far. “The smaller planet could be only slightly larger than Earth and could also live just inside the conservative habitable zone,” they added.
The planet orbits a red dwarf, a smaller and cooler star compared to the Sun. Many of these stars are known to host “small rocky worlds.”
NASA stated: “These planets have much closer orbits than those surrounding stars like our Sun, but because red dwarfs are smaller and cooler, the planets can be packed closer together and still be safely within the habitable zone. of the star. Narrower orbits also mean that those that cross the faces of their stars, that is, when we see them with our space telescopes, cross each other much more frequently.”
Discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), the shorter orbit duration makes it easier for scientists to detect and study the planet. NASA plans to continue examining TOI-715 b using the James Webb Telescope, focusing on aspects such as the planet’s mass and whether it can be classified as a “water world.” The planet’s properties will play a crucial role in understanding its atmosphere and potential habitability.

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