Sydney Sweeney and Bowen Yang compete for tips at Hooters


Saturday night live Guest host Sydney Sweeney played Tina, a Hooters waitress who easily outearned her coworkers despite spilling beer on customers and suffering an alcoholic relapse.

While tips earned during the day by other waitresses (Chloe Fineman, Sarah Sherman) amounted to less than $50, Sweeney racked up wads of cash that totaled $36,000.

After Fineman and Sherman expressed surprise, Sweeney seemed confused and asked, “Is that low?”

“I wouldn’t say low,” Fineman responded, and Sherman added, “Yeah, that’s pretty good, Tina.”

A frustrated Bowen Yang joined the group. “Another bad day for Dennis,” he said, hands on his hips. “All I got was 12 cents and this note that said, ‘You ruined our day.’”

Sweeney would approach a table with three male customers to try to demonstrate that the discrepancy in tips was due only to the quality of service. He then spilled beer on the table.

“It’s okay,” said one customer (Michael Longfellow). “Whatever you do is good.”

Sweeney then offered the rest of the beer in the mug to another customer (Andrew Dismukes) and poured it directly into his mouth. He later reacted: “Oh, that’s amazing! The best part is I’ve been sober for 22 years and that’s over now!

The third male customer (Mikey Day) then asked if they could “buy him a car or something,” and when she called them all “funny,” they laughed.

However, his response to the other Hooters employees was cold, with Yang only saying “Hey guys” before he was shut down.

After waitresses informed her that working at Hooters might not be for her, Sweeney said she thought it would be “the only place I would feel at home.”

“I tried to work other jobs, but I can’t,” he told them. “I worked at an airport. No plane took off. I was a crossing guard. Thousands died. But if you think I don’t belong at Hooters, I’ll go.”


Then the Hooters mascot pounced on her to stop her from quitting, while remaining completely indifferent to her colleagues. Hooter B. Owl said he was also mourning the death of Skinny, a beloved Central Park owl, and so he had a request: “Would someone please show me their breasts?”

When Sherman offered, he left immediately.

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