Taylor Swift’s Flight Tracker Doesn’t Anticipate Legal Fight, Says BS


The College Student Who Got a Cease and Desist Taylor Swift for tracking her private jet he is not sweating in a legal battle with her, because he thinks she will resist… so his lawyer says.

James Slaterthe lawyer of Jack Sweeneytells TMZ…he and his partners don’t see any realistic legal path T-Swift and its lawyers can take if they want to press this airplane issue.

Now, Slater says that if there were any move on Taylor’s part, i.e. a lawsuit of some kind, Sweeney’s team would immediately respond with an anti-SLAPP motion… a law that provides defendants a way to quickly dismiss meritless claims. .

JS adds the letter from Tay Tay’s lawyer, Kate Wright Morronehad little legal substance, in his view, and his claim that Jack engaged in harassing and harassing behavior by showing TS’s flight path to the world was completely baseless in the eyes of the law.

He basically criticizes the whole thing as one big scare tactic… claiming that everything that needed to be addressed was written in the letter he sent to Swift’s team, and that nothing else really needs to be mentioned to make his point. Bottom line…Sweeney is fearless!

Quick recap… things took off when TS lawyers issued a legal threat to Sweeney in December, warning him that if he did not stop putting his famous client’s safety in imminent danger, he would be subject to further legal action.

but slater retaliated last month …saying Taylor’s camp cited no law supporting cease and desist, while rejecting harassment allegations…saying it doesn’t apply to his client at all, since Sweeney has never made one.” credible threat” against Taylor through his words. or actions.

He also pointed out the obvious… Sweeney simply uploaded publicly available data from the Federal Aviation Administration to track the movements of Taylor’s plane, a point supported by the aviation attorney. Tim Loranger from Wisner Baum, who tells us that this has been a long-time hobby for aviation enthusiasts…insisting that there is nothing that could threaten a lawsuit or legal action.

Loranger tells TMZ whether airplane owners like it or not… their airplanes and jets must be registered with the FAA and their registration numbers are displayed on the side of their plane… which makes it quite easy to follow them on flight tracking services.

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We spoke to more legal experts who weighed in on Swift vs. Sweeney, and not everyone believes she is out of trouble. civil lawyer Tre Lovell of The Lovell Firm tells us that Unless Sweeney can clearly describe the purpose of his actions… I would suggest that Sweeney proceed very carefully.

Unlike, Camron Dowlatshahi of Mills Sadat Dowlat LLP says TS has no legal standing in this matter, but all he has is a lot of money to bury JS in legal fees, so in short, he should probably watch his back.

Bottom line… more people seem to think Jack is fine to keep tracking… the ball is in his court.

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