Teja Sajja – I rejected around 75 projects for HanuMan


Teja Sajja is enjoying the success of HanuMan. In a recent interview, the actor shared some interesting facts. Teja Sajja said that he rejected between 70 and 75 projects that came his way in a period of two and a half years while shooting for HanuMan. The actor claimed that almost 15 of those 75 films would have been considerably decent.

Teja Sajja further stated, “I did 25 look tests for HanuMan. Generally, actors do two to three look tests for a film. I performed all the stunts in HanuMan by myself. We also did not use a body double nor did we use VFX. “I even learned to dive and did the underwater sequences as well.”

Teja Sajja stated that he did not care much about the box office figures. According to him, the most important thing is whether the audience liked the film or not. Currently, the actor, along with director Prasanth Varma and heroine Amritha Aiyer, is touring the United States to promote the film.

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