The 5 Luckiest Chinese Zodiac Signs During Lunar New Year 2024


Let happiness be your priority as you welcome the Chinese Lunar New Year 2024. Because how can luck favor you if you don’t choose happiness?

Of course, five signs of the Chinese zodiac will benefit the most this year from leaning on this wisdom, namely the Pig, the Snake, the Rat, the Ox and the Rooster, but there is something here for everyone else too. signs of the zodiac.

So, if you want to be lucky this year, remember that preparation is half the luck. After all, you can’t take advantage of opportunities if you don’t know what they are or how to take advantage of them.

With this in mind, remember to hone your skills and let your intuition guide you this year out of your comfort zone and into new areas of growth and transformation.

Many fortunate experiences await you on these trips. If you feel called to do so, let the law of attraction do your bidding and manifest your fortune!

Now, let’s focus on the five Chinese zodiac signs that will have the most luck in the Chinese Lunar New Year 2024.

Five signs of the Chinese zodiac will be the luckiest during this Lunar New Year:

1. pig (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

seed luck

Pig, your luck in the Lunar New Year 2024 It is of the “seed” type. Everything you start this year will be blessed. The lucky start will help you move forward even beyond 2024. Don’t hesitate! For some of you, this “seed” literally refers to seed round investments for your business. So stay alert and get them!

Your romantic life is also highlighted here as a beneficiary of this good fortune. So don’t be surprised if you suddenly meet your soulmate or get engaged to be married. In fact, all weddings will be prosperous and auspicious for you this year. If you want to amplify this good luck, dress to the nines!

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2. Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Lucky plans, lucky results

Snake, your luck in the Mole New Year 2024 is strong in a unique way. It will help you make solid plans and execute them to absolute perfection. So don’t hesitate in areas of life where this is a proven strategy, such as in education, career, business, and more. The more you lean on your cunning side and do not regret it, the stronger your good luck will be.

Just be sure to keep your secrets close to your chest until your plans have been executed! Otherwise, you could attract bad energy without realizing it. If you feel called to do so, wear an amethyst pendant necklace to stay true to your purpose and not fail.

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Photo credit: TRMK | CanvaPro

3. Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

brave luck

Rat, your luck in the Mole New Year The year 2024 is linked to hard work and a never-give-up attitude. As long as you have faith in yourself and your dreams, destiny will be the wind beneath your wings and will help you weather all storms with grace. When the Sun peeks out from behind the clouds, you’ll realize that good luck doesn’t always smile upon us like a windfall. Sometimes, he blesses us with the ability to win the throne and become the king (or queen) of the dragon.

Music also stands out for you as a source of good luck. So, pay attention to the random songs you find and the lyrics that resonate with you. Instrumental pieces will also have a powerful impact on you this year. So if you notice that a track affects you positively, save it to a special playlist.

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4. Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

lucky love

Ox, you will be lucky in love in the Mole New Year 2024. Some of you will also experience a strong glow, which will make you more attractive than usual. If you are single, this is great news for you because this luck will make it unnecessary to jump into the dating pool. Potentials will flock to your door. If you are already in a relationship, this luck will bring you beautiful memories and surprises as you interact with your partner throughout the year.

If you feel called to do so, make a scrapbook of your romantic trip in 2024. You can call it “Love Story 2024” or something similar. Then, get creative when filling out the pages. You can even write down your romantic hopes and dreams to manifest them in your life!

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5. Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Stable luck

Rooster, your luck in the Mole New Year 2024 has a solid and stable quality. It will affect your life throughout the year in ways big and small, but mostly small. This will create a cascading effect as the months go by and allow you to harness your good luck and attract even more good fortune to you.

Introduce a calming ritual into your daily life this year if you feel called to do so. It will help you take advantage of the opportunities that luck brings you and make you aware of the small blessings that surround you. You can even direct this power into green manifestation rituals that rely on plants and seeds as ingredients.

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valeria black She is a tarot card reader, astrologer and YouTuber with experience in casting amulets, runes and everything related to magic. She writes about astrology, tarot and spirituality.

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