The cause of long COVID has finally been discovered • | Top Vip News


Have you ever felt like you can’t get rid of that lingering fatigue even after recovering from COVID? You’re not alone. Millions of people experience long COVID, a frustrating collection of symptoms that persist long after the initial infection. Now, the investigation of University of Cambridge suggests a surprising culprit: low iron levels.

iron sources

Iron is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in the production of hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron is also important for growth, development, normal cellular function, and the synthesis of some hormones and connective tissue.

We get iron from certain plant and animal foods, such as red meat and poultry. Plant sources contain nonheme iron, which is not absorbed as efficiently as the heme iron found in animal products.

However, you can improve the absorption of non-heme iron by consuming it with vitamin C or animal proteins. COVID can alter the way the body manages iron, causing iron deficiency or abnormal iron storage. This can make the infection worse and affect recovery.

Characteristics of long COVID

Researchers closely studied a group of 214 people for a year after they first experienced COVID-19 symptoms.

The experts analyzed several aspects of the participants’ health, including how much inflammation they had, how much iron was in their blood, how genes related to iron management worked, and how well red blood cells were produced.

By comparing this information, the researchers were able to identify a specific set of long-term COVID-19 characteristics.

Inflammation and anemia

Many people in the study continued to have inflammation and signs of anemia, a condition in which the body has fewer red blood cells, for up to a year.

Anemia can make people feel tired and weak because the body’s tissues do not receive enough oxygen. This is a common complaint among people with long COVID.

Continued inflammation suggests that the body’s immune system is still active even though the initial infection has cleared.

COVID and abnormal iron levels

The study revealed that people with long COVID had abnormal iron levels, suggesting an imbalance in the way their bodies handle iron.

Additionally, the researchers identified changes in genes that control iron management, indicating that COVID-19 could alter these regulatory mechanisms.

This link implies that problems with iron control could influence the duration of COVID development and the severity of symptoms.

Low iron and COVID recovery

The study showed signs of a process called “stress erythropoiesis” in people with long COVID. This occurs when the body tries to quickly produce more red blood cells in response to stress or inflammation, such as an infection. The study suggests that this process may not work properly in some people after a COVID-19 infection.

“If this continues for a long time, there is less iron for the red blood cells, so oxygen is transported less efficiently, which affects metabolism and energy production, and for the white blood cells, which need iron to function. correctly,” said the study’s co-author. author Hal Drakesmith of the Oxford University. “The protection mechanism ends up becoming a problem.”

The researchers noted that iron supplementation could play a role during the acute phase of COVID-19 infection, as well as a role as a potential treatment for long COVID.

Symptoms of long COVID

The condition can cause a variety of health problems that last for months. Many people with long COVID experience extreme tiredness, even after rest. They may also have trouble concentrating, remembering things, and concentrating, sometimes called brain fog.

Other common symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pain, and difficulty doing previously easy activities, such as walking or climbing stairs. People with long COVID may experience heart problems such as palpitations, chest pain, or rapid heart rate. It can also cause ongoing pain and discomfort in muscles and joints.

Some people lose their sense of taste or smell, and these senses may not fully recover. Others have trouble sleeping, either because they have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or because their sleep is not restful. They may also experience mood swings, anxiety or depression. In addition, digestive problems such as nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains or loss of appetite may also persist.

Another symptom of long COVID is post-exertional malaise, which means a person’s symptoms worsen after engaging in physical or mental activities. All of these problems can make it difficult for people to participate in daily activities.

Recovering from long COVID

If you are experiencing long COVID, here are some steps you can take to improve your overall well-being:

Talk to your doctor

It is important to obtain a complete evaluation from a healthcare professional to rule out other possible conditions and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Manage your symptoms

This may involve using medications to relieve pain, breathing exercises to improve lung function, or other therapies depending on your specific symptoms.

Consider physical and cognitive rehabilitation

Physical therapy and graded exercise programs can help manage fatigue and improve physical function, while cognitive rehabilitation techniques can address brain fog and other cognitive problems.

Prioritize a balanced diet

Eating a healthy, balanced diet can help manage your symptoms and support your overall health. In some cases, your doctor may recommend supplements to address any nutritional deficiencies.

Seek mental health support

Don’t hesitate to seek help if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges associated with long COVID. Therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can be very helpful.

Control your pace and manage your energy

Learn to listen to your body and monitor your activities to avoid overexerting yourself and experiencing worsening symptoms. Balance rest and activity to manage your energy levels effectively.

Be patient and adaptable

Long COVID can be unpredictable and its symptoms can fluctuate over time. It is important to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as necessary in collaboration with your doctor.

stay informed

Research is being done on long COVID and new treatment options may be available in the future. Stay informed about the latest developments through trusted sources.

Remember, long COVID affects everyone differently. The key is to find a personalized approach that helps you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life.

The study is published in the journal. nature immunology.


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