The five biggest PlayStation State of Play reveals | Top Vip News


Sony’s first PlayStation State of Play for 2024 kicked off with a bang on Wednesday, offering first-look images and announcements of some of the biggest releases coming to the console in the coming months.

In the 43-minute presentation, Sony’s reveals included a new PlayStation 5 version of “Until Dawn,” a PlayStation version of “Dave the Diver” (featuring Godzilla) and footage from Capcom’s “Dragon’s Dogma II.”

Still, those big titles pale in comparison to the biggest news of the day, from Hideo Kojima’s new project to the highly anticipated follow-up to Ken Levine’s BioShock. Below are the five most important revelations of the state of play.

“Star Blade”

The first major teaser was for “Stellar Blade,” ShiftUp’s story about a post-apocalyptic Earth where a mysterious Demogorgon-like enemy force called NA:tive has caused humans to flee to an off-world colony.

Players play as paratrooper Eve, accompanied by her companions Adam and Lily, on her journey to save humanity from extinction. The preview revealed gameplay mechanics like skill trees, equipment upgrades, and key locations like the underground city of Xion. Eve will frequently encounter people in need and players can decide whether to help them or ignore them. The game will be released on April 26.

“Silent Hill”

There were two big announcements in the world of Konami’s Silent Hill. First, free-to-play title “Silent Hill: The Short Message” was revealed for release the same day on PlayStation 5. In the preview footage, a young woman jumps from the top of a building and wakes up in an unknown location. , hostile environment. She is plagued with messages from a friend, who insists that she cannot leave prison until she finds what she is looking for.

The trailer for the new PS5 version of “Silent Hill 2” was also revealed, but no release date was shared.


BioShock creator Ken Levine’s latest game, “Judas,” showed off a new story trailer. In it, a young woman with silver hair asks: “What if I told you that every word you say is recorded? Every thought you’ve ever had? Your love, your fear, your hate were simply planted in your brain like weeds in a garden. What would you do for yourself? “We both know the answer to that question: nothing.”

In-game footage from the first-person shooter shows hostile robots, spray paint accidents, and a dinosaur with a shotgun and a cowboy hat. No release date was shared.

“Rise of the Ronin”

A new gameplay overview of “Rise of the Ronin,” coming exclusively to PS5 on March 22, showed off an impressive traversal mechanic that allows the protagonist to run, climb, slide, and ride a horse.

Meanwhile, in combat, Japanese long swords are combined with weapons brought from abroad. Players can also up the ante with inventions like the Fire Pipe, a piece of ancient technology similar to a flamethrower.

“Death Stranding 2: On The Beach” and more IP from Hideo Kojima

In a strange trailer for “Death Stranding 2: On The Beach,” Léa Seydoux’s Fragile reveals that she headed a new civilian group, Drawbridge. “You united America,” she tells Norman Reedus’ Sam. “But I fear Death Stranding is far from over. Humanity is still in danger. “Still on the brink of extinction.”

The nearly 10-minute trailer follows a collection of strange images, from a puppet-like creature clinging to Sam’s hip to Troy Baker’s Higgs wrestling with an electrified guitar. The game, also starring Elle Fanning, will be released in 2025.

Following the trailer, legendary game creator Hideo Kojima joined PlayStation Studios head Hermen Hulst to reveal their new espionage action IP, “Physint.” While little was revealed about the content of the project, Kojima tweeted: “Of course this is an interactive ‘game’, but the look, story, theme, cast, acting, fashion, sound, etc. ..they are all at the next level of ‘Digital Entertainment’ that could be called ‘film’. As the state of play ended, the camera zoomed out to reveal the “Physint” logo under a Columbia Pictures sign.. .whatever that means.

Fans won’t have to wait long to see another State of Play: the next one is scheduled for February 6 and will be completely dedicated to “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.”

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