The global rise of myopia: a modern epidemic | Top Vip News


Nearsightedness, commonly known as nearsightedness, is increasing dramatically around the world, particularly among children and adolescents. In today’s world, with the advancement of technology and lifestyle modifications, myopia, which was once considered a minor inconvenience, has become a major health condition, and its prevalence has skyrocketed in the world. last years. According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (WHO), around 60% of the world’s population will be myopic by the year 2050.

Causes of myopia
Several factors contribute to the increase in cases of myopia, especially in children. An important factor is exposure to screen time. Nowadays there is an exponential increase in the time that children spend in front of the screen due to the inclusion of digital devices in our daily lives. The widespread presence of smartphones, tablets and computers in every home has led to prolonged periods of short-range visual tasks on the screen, placing immense strain on developing eyes. Additionally, reduced time spent outdoors, often due to urbanization and changing habits, has further increased the risk of myopia rates in children.

Consequences of myopia
Once a person is found to have a highly myopic condition, the likelihood and chances of developing sight-threatening conditions such as retinal detachment, glaucoma, and macular degeneration increase. Myopia in children can also significantly affect their academic performance, affecting educational achievement, social interaction, psychological well-being and overall quality of life, potentially hindering the child’s comprehensive development and future opportunities.

Address the rise of this modern epidemic
Effectively combating global myopia, especially among children, requires a comprehensive approach that includes awareness, education, environmental modifications, and advances in research and technology.

Public awareness and education: This involves educating children and adults about the importance of myopia and the risks associated with excessive digital time. Parents and teachers should realize the importance of time outdoors and encourage outdoor activities for their children and themselves to promote good eye health from an early age and reduce the risk of developing myopia.

Environmental Modifications: Urban planners should take steps to build green spaces and recreational areas in communities, encouraging outdoor activities among children. School curricula should also actively incorporate outdoor time into their daily schedules, encouraging all-round development and reducing the risk of myopia in children.


Technological solutions: Using high-quality lenses that combat the progression of myopia is crucial, especially at a young age. Advances and innovations in glasses offer promising compromises to control the progression of myopia. Additionally, advances in display technology, such as blue light filters and ergonomic designs, can mitigate digital eye strain and reduce the risk of developing myopia.

Research collaboration: Continued investment in myopia research is essential to deepen our understanding of the condition and develop effective prevention and treatment strategies tailored to the needs of children. Collaboration between researchers, health professionals, industry stakeholders and policymakers can accelerate progress to address this pressing public health challenge.

The global increase in myopia, especially among children, represents a growing concern that requires immediate action. By addressing myopia at an early age, we can mitigate its impact on a child’s vision, health and well-being. We should prioritize the visual health of ourselves and our younger generation and strive for a future where all children can see the world through a clear lens.

(Author: Dr. Vijaya Vasanthakumar, Medical Marketing Director, EssilorLuxottica)

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