The horoscope for February 2024 strengthens 3 signs of the zodiac


One thing we know is that February 2024 does not join us without its attempt to make our lives difficult. What we can expect this month is the healing that comes “after” the turmoil.

We are definitely on the right path, but as we have all learned, nothing comes easy on Planet Earth and if we want to reap the rewards, we must pay the price.

Three signs of the zodiac will pay their toll during February 2024, and while we may not feel like any of this is “fair” per se, we can be truly confident that any pain we suffer is temporary and, interestingly, “good for life”. us.’

Apparently we have to learn the hard way, and this month is packed with transits that promise a reward if we’re strong enough to endure “getting there.”

Given all the Aquarius energy we have to work with, we may find it difficult to understand certain concepts, and we may also not be able to understand it during transits like Mars and Neptune or Mercury square Uranus.

These three zodiac signs can go to great lengths to convince themselves that something is working when they know everything is wrong, wrong, wrong. We’ll get through it!

Horoscopes for February 2024 strengthen three signs of the zodiac:

1. Aries

(March 21 – April 19)

Dates and transits to take into account: February 5, 7, 9, 16, 22.

If you want to get through this month safely, you’ll need as much brain fuel as possible, since you’ll be thinking a lot. To boost your positive energy, you may want to listen to what your heart is telling you during transits like Mercury conjunct Pluto, Venus square the Node, New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury and Node, and Venus conjunct Mars.

You know you’re personally dealing with a lot of “stuff,” including extremely sensitive internal issues and business and career-related issues.

While you don’t like to see any of this as a “problem”, you are aware that you have taken on more than you can handle, and it is during February 2024 that you may want to check what you can handle and what is actually not feasible. .

In one of your many attempts to be superhuman, you will take on the roles of teacher and student. Because you’ve put too much pressure on yourself to succeed at both, you’ll end up with feelings of frustration that leave you wanting to give up on everything.

You have too much on your plate during February 2024 and will need to re-evaluate what is possible and what simply needs to be rescheduled.

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2. lion

(July 23 – August 22)

Dates and transits to take into account: February 8, 14, 28, 29.

You will absolutely do everything you can to make things go well, but when times are tough for you, you can take comfort in knowing that certain transits are there for you to draw strength from.

Don’t hesitate to retreat into meditation if you need to, and know that these transits are here to support you: Sun conjunct Node, Mars conjunct Pluto, Sun conjunct Mercury, and Mercury and Jupiter.

While you may find that February 2024 brings you many exciting opportunities, you may also feel like you are supposed to take all these risks, and this may make you want to back out before you even get started.

You will see that you really need some quality time to yourself to catch up on the healing you have recently begun as you have come to appreciate who you are. He wants to get back to the job at hand.

You must understand that you are not offending anyone by telling them that you prefer solitude, but that is a difficult decision for a Leo, since you tend to want to please everyone all the time.

You’re lucky because Mercury works its way into your karma this month showing you that you can trust your speech and trust yourself when you ask others to respect your need for privacy.

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3. pound

(September 23 – October 22)

Dates and transits to take into account: February 3, 16, 19, 22, 24.

Love plays tricks on your mind during this month and you will want to pay close attention to what ‘really’ happens during the mentioned dates.

The transits that accompany these dates are as such: Venus trine Lilith, Venus in Aquarius, Sun in Pisces, Venus conjunct Mars and Full Moon in Pisces. He may feel a little irritated during this time, but you will also find comfort in trusting his intuition.

During February 2024 you may believe that certain things are happening around you that are not actually happening at all. This includes your opinion of people’s opinions of you.

You may find that if you don’t get approval for something you really support, all it takes is for one card to be pulled from your house of cards and everything falls apart.

You have a fragile ego during February 2024, but much of that depends on you and how you choose to perceive the world around you. You may be in love with someone who is giving you conflicting messages and that leaves you totally perplexed.

You want to communicate with clear, concise messages, and yet your romantic partner is playing games, and this makes you angry, doubtful, and confused.

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ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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