The oldest people eat this fruit, a ‘longevity superfood’ | Top Vip News


Papaya has such a reputation for its health benefits that it is called the “fruit of long life.”

It is listed as one of the “longevity superfoods”It is eaten in Blue Zones, places around the world where people live extraordinarily long and healthy lives.

Headlines They have called it “The number one fruit consumed by the oldest people in the world.”

Pearl Taylor, a 103-year-old woman who lives independently in Dayton, Ohio, and offers life advice on TikTok, says she has been eating papaya every morning for years.

“More people need to learn about papaya” She told “Papaya is an excellent fruit.”

What is papaya?

Papaya is a tropical fruit with vibrant yellow or orange flesh and black seeds. It is “aromatic and juicy with a sweet, pleasant flavor,” notes the Florida Department of Agriculture.

It has a buttery and milky texture ideal for smoothies, the American Heart Association Add.

In the United States, papayas are grown in Hawaii, California, Texas and Florida, but most of the fruit sold in stores is imported from Mexico, according to the Western Institute for Food Safety.

papaya nutrition

One cup of papaya cut into small pieces contains the following, according to US Department of Agriculture:

Papaya is cholesterol-free and contains less than 1 gram of fat or protein per serving.

It’s packed with nutrients including magnesium, potassium, folate, lycopene, and vitamins A, C, E, and K. It also contains some iron and calcium.

What are the benefits of eating a papaya?

Papaya is a “fantastic choice in terms of fruit,” says registered dietitian Maya Feller of Brooklyn-based Maya Feller Nutrition and author of “Eating From Our Roots: 80+ Healthy Homemade Dishes Favorites from Cultures Around the World.”

“Papaya is a great source of various Phenolic compoundsflavonoids,” Feller tells, referring to bioactive molecules found in plants that are anti-inflammatory and considered beneficial for human health.

“They have pretty good antioxidant activity… Antioxidants really help mitigate the effect of free radical damage.”

Free radicals They are harmful particles that are generated when the body carries out regular processes necessary for life. This damage can cause inflammation and may increase the risk of cancer and other diseases, Notes from the National Cancer Institutebut antioxidants can protect cells.

Papaya’s characteristic bright yellow or orange color is the result of carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, a chemical that helps form vitamin A, which acts as an antioxidant, Feller notes.

Another carotenoid in papaya is lycopene, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the American Heart Association.

Carotenoids may also protect against cancer. studies have found. They are more bioavailable (better able to be absorbed and used by the body) from papaya than from tomatoes and carrots in humans. one study found.

The fruit contains fiber, which promotes intestinal health and can help lower cholesterol.

It is high in potassium, which can low blood pressure and can “really have a beneficial impact on cardiovascular health,” Feller adds.

There is also thought to be some potential for antidiabetic activity in people who eat papaya because of how the fruit affects glucose and insulin response, he notes.

Is papaya considered a superfood?

Feller says she doesn’t call anything a superfood.

“All the products have wonderful properties and really work best in synergy and when consumed in a broad spectrum, which means that there is a lot of variety of plants in the person’s dietary pattern,” he points out.

“If we tell people that papaya is a superfood and they all start eating it, but before they ate oranges, lemons, limes, kiwis, bananas and pineapples, and they only ate papaya, they will miss out on the rest. nutrients found in those other foods.”

Is it okay to eat papaya every day?

Yes, says Feller. His family is Afro-Caribbean: they eat it every day and they all have excellent laboratories, he adds.

But, he notes, it also depends on how people complete their diet.

“If there is papaya in your area and it is ripe and delicious, go for it.”

Is it okay to eat papaya seeds?

People often choose to remove the seeds: They’re a bit bitter, spicy and “not very tasty,” Feller notes.

But they are edible and nutritious, he adds. Eating dried papaya seeds can eliminate human intestinal parasites. a study showed.

Papaya Risks

Avoid green papaya because it contains papain, an enzyme that breaks down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, and can damage the esophagus or harm the fetus if a pregnant woman eats it, according to the National Library of Medicine.

the ripe fruit does not contain the enzyme.

Green papaya also contains latex, which can cause a reaction in people with a latex allergy, the agency warns.

How to choose a papaya

The fruit can be found in stores year-round, but its peak season is in the summer and early fall, when Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics advises.

Choose smaller papayas (they tend to taste better than larger ones) whose skin is already starting to turn from green to yellow or orange, or has already reached that maximum color. Martha Stewart’s website recommends.

A papaya is ripe when it is soft and smells “very good and slightly musky,” he notes.

This article was originally published in

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