The real Martha from Baby Reindeer criticizes Netflix in an interview with Piers Morgan


baby reindeerReal-life Martha slammed the Netflix series as an “obscene” and “defamatory” work of fiction, claiming she is instructing her lawyers to sue the streamer.

In an interview with Piers Morgan (full video below), Scottish lawyer Fiona Harvey said she had been “forced” to tell her side of the story after baby reindeer It became a huge worldwide success.

baby reindeer was billed as a “true story” and offers a starkly raw account of comedian Richard Gadd’s experience with an alleged stalker, known as Martha.

But Harvey told Morgan it was a “work of hyperbole” and a “work of fiction” and said she was prepared to test her argument in a court of law.

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Netflix stayed away baby reindeer On Wednesday, he maintained that the drama was a “true story” and that “all reasonable precautions were taken to disguise the real identities of the people involved.”

Internet sleuths identified Harvey within days of the series’ debut, and she said the experience had made her life difficult, including claiming she had received death threats and phone calls from strangers.

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“I find it quite obscene. I find it horrible, misogynistic,” she said. “Some of the death threats have been really terrible online. People call me on the phone. You know, it’s been absolutely horrible.”

Harvey added that Netflix did not contact her before baby reindeer premiered globally last month, and he agreed with Morgan that the series raised questions about duty of care.

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In the forensic interview, Harvey said she had never been charged or sentenced to prison for stalking (as shown in the final episode), did not send Gadd 41,000 emails or contact his parents, and never interrupted Gadd at concerts. stand-up.

She denied leaving voicemails for Gadd and alleged she could have been illicitly recorded during her meetings with the writer at the pub where he worked. He also denied assaulting Gadd’s ex-girlfriend and said she did not sexually assault Gadd on the canal road.

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Harvey acknowledged that he had met Gadd in a London pub, but said he had only met him “five (or) six times” during his life. She admitted to sending him some “prank emails.”

“There are two true facts in that (show): His name is Richard Gadd and he works as a bartender with benefits at the Hawley Arms,” he said.

Harvey claimed that she had not seen baby reindeerr, but argued that Gadd was “completely crazy” and questioned his mental well-being.

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“He’s lying and they (Netflix) are lying,” Harvey told Morgan. “They have announced it as a true story, him too, and it is not. It is blatantly not.” In a message to Gadd, he added: “Leave me alone please.”

Netflix has been contacted for comment. Benjamin King, senior director of public policy at Netflix UK, said on Wednesday that the streamer could not control speculation on social media and was not prepared to censure Gadd.

“Personally, I wouldn’t feel comfortable in a world where we decided it was better to silence Richard and not allow him to tell the story,” he told a hearing in the UK Parliament.

baby reindeer launched on Netflix to little fanfare, but has skyrocketed on the streaming service, racking up nearly 54 million views since its debut on April 11. It has been Netflix’s top English-language series for three consecutive weeks.

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