These 3 Specific Zodiac Signs Are Lucky in Love All Month Long


February brings love in ways many of us don’t even expect. Because we have such an influx of Venus transits, it would be difficult to limit our reading to just three zodiac signs.

Still, we could say that of all the zodiac signs, these three will definitely rise to experience the height of love, romance and healing energy.

With Venus trine Lilith right at the beginning of the month, we’re automatically seeing compatibility taken to new levels.

Just a few days later, on February 7, we will have the privilege of experiencing the Node square Venus, which will erase any doubts we have about our romantic partners.

On the same day, Venus trines Uranus, allowing us to truly “go all out” when it comes to being ourselves with the person we love. All lingering concepts of negativity will disappear during this time.

On February 13, Venus will harmonize with Neptune, keeping us and our partners united in how we think, what we value, and what mutual dreams we want to pursue together.

We have a Full Moon in Pisces to top it all off, which taps into our need to be vulnerable and express ourselves honestly without fear of rejection. With Mercury and Jupiter resolving the month of February, these three zodiac signs will know they’re lucky, blessed beyond words, and ready for the world.

The luckiest zodiac signs in love in February 2024:

1. Taurus

Dates and transits to take into account: February 3, 7, 8, 13, 16

Keep your schedule open for Venus trine Lilith, Venus square the node trine Uranus, the Sun and the nodes, Venus and Neptune, and Venus in Aquarius. These are the dates and transits in which you will see your love life flourish and grow. Stay open and vulnerable, and don’t doubt something good when you see it manifest before your eyes.

You may find that during February 2024 you are truly in tune with the people around you and that your empathic abilities are at their highest. Sometimes this might be too much, but you’ll be able to use this type of empathy as a barometer that will allow you to pick up on the good vibes you get from your romantic partner. It is a month of gratitude; You really get what you want to be given, and it’s very good.

There is a lot of Venus energy supporting your desire to express yourself romantically. February brings you back to that good place where any problems you previously had with your partner were finally resolved.

It took some time to get here, but February allows you to feel like the rest of the year shows hope and promise. You feel good during February because you are not the type of person to let yourself fall into despair. Stay away from the negative and respect the positive. Shine, Taurus.

RELATED: How the Location of Darkmoon House Lilith Affects Your Life and Relationships

2. Gemini

Dates and transits to take into account: February 3, 5, 10, 29

It’s a big month for you in terms of loving energy and you’ll find yourself feeling a little more kindness than usual. Look to the transits found on these dates for encouragement, inner strength, wild love, and guarantees of long-term love and romance. Luck comes to you during Mercury-Neptune, Venus trine Lilith, Mercury in Aquarius, Mercury square Jupiter and Mercury-Jupiter.

You will never be the person you once were, and while we all get second chances from time to time, you are applying your second chance to how you perceive yourself. You want to be a better person and you want to be able to show the person you love that you are truly up to the task. You look at your partner with love and affection, mainly because you realize that they have been dealing with you and that you have not always been a great prize.

That’s where you change it and start again. If you want to be a prize, you’ll win Olympic gold in February because, Gemini, all you’ve ever wanted is a chance to shine.

Everything that held you back is now forgiven and removed. You are more than ready to be the loving romantic partner you always thought you were. Now you’re out of your way and you’re doing it all for the person you love, and she knows it.

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3. virgin

Dates and transits to take into account: February 3, 7, 9, 17, 22

You know you like to do everything your way, so if making your love life spectacular happens according to your whims, then that’s just the way it is. Expect interesting romantic events to occur during Venus trine Lilith, Venus square the Node, the New Moon in Aquarius, Mercury square Uranus, and Venus conjunct Mars.

Precious is the person who loves and cares for you, as you can be a real handful at times. What you know is that February is like no other month. You are so willing to change your routine that it can be difficult to keep up once you get the momentum going.

You are strong and tenacious, and now that you feel healthy and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, you will find that your partner is very supportive of your newfound confidence.

It’s just that: trust. You’ll be doing a lot of healing this month, which means you’ll be creating a fresh new palate to work with.

You want color to return to your life. You want to treat your peers like they are gods and you want them to see you as a dazzling rainbow of beauty and light. While this is all top-notch cheesiness, what’s the point of life if we can’t be cheesy once in a while? You are one with the idea of ​​happiness and that really shows in Virgo.

RELATED: The Most Faithful Zodiac Signs in Astrology, Ranked From Highest to Lowest

ruby miranda Interprets I Ching, Tarot, Runes and Astrology. She gives private readings and has worked as an intuitive reader for over 20 years.

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