This diet mimics the effects of fasting and appears to slow biological aging: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News


A new study suggests that following a fasting diet may bring a variety of benefits, including a lower risk of disease and slower cellular aging.

Known as a fasting-mimicking diet, or FMD, the brief food reduction aims to replicate the effects of a water-only fast without giving up essential nutrients.

This involves consuming a proportion of plant-based soups, energy bars, chips, teas, vitamin and mineral supplements spread over five days, providing a diet rich in Unsaturated fats and low in calories, proteins and carbohydrates.

Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC), Yale School of Medicine, and the AIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology in Italy conducted two clinical studies involving a total of 144 volunteers. They found that those with FMD had reduced insulin resistance (linked to diabetes), liver fat, and aging of the immune system, all of which contribute to lower biological age and less disease overall.

“This study shows for the first time evidence of biological age reduction from two different clinical trials, accompanied by evidence of rejuvenation of metabolic and immune function.” says gerontologist Valter Longo, from USC.

Participants who went through the FMD cycles were found to be 2.5 years younger than the other groups’ average biological age, which measures the “wear and tear” of cells, or how well they function relative to actual age.

What’s more, the health improvements did not appear to be related to any associated weight loss. In other words, the body wasn’t just feeling the benefits of losing some weight; It seems there is also something else going on that future studies can continue to investigate.

“This is the first study to show that a food-based intervention that does not require chronic diet or lifestyle changes can make people biologically younger, based on both changes in aging risk factors and as in diseases.” says Longo.

This is not the first time that foot and mouth disease has been shown to have health benefits. TO previous study found that this type of food and calorie restriction could reduce signs of dementia, although only in mice, not humans. It could also help combat obesity.

With all this in mind, researchers are interested in FMD being promoted as part of cultivating a healthier lifestyle, although, as always, it is crucial to consult a doctor or health professional before performing drastic changes in your diet.

“These findings should encourage many more healthcare professionals to recommend FMD cycles to patients with higher than desired levels of disease risk factors, as well as to the general population who may be interested in increased function and age. younger”. says Longo.

The research has been published in Nature Communications.

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