This fruit can improve your mental health in 4 days: study | Top Vip News



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The apple is no longer the preferred fruit to discourage visits to the doctor: New Zealand scientists discovered that eating kiwi can improve mood in just four days, according to a study published in the journal British Journal of Nutrition.

“It’s great for people to know that small changes to their diet, like adding kiwi, could make a difference in how they feel every day,” said study co-author Tamlin Conner, a professor of psychology at the University of Otago. he said in a statement.

These mental health-boosting effects are reportedly due to the fact that these hairy fruits are loaded with vitamin C, which is known to improve mood and vitality, among other benefits.

To test the fruit’s purported mood-boosting effects, the Kiwis team conducted a dietary experiment on 155 adults with deficient vitamin C levels.

Every day for eight weeks, participants received a placebo, a 250 mg vitamin C supplement, or two kiwis, and then were asked to report their vitality, mood, sleep quality, and physical activity.

“It’s great for people to know that small changes to their diet, like adding kiwi, could make a difference in how they feel each day,” study co-author Tamlin Conner, a professor of psychology at the University of Otago, said in a statement. . fake images

The researchers found that both the vitamin C group and those who consumed kiwi reported an improvement in their mood, but only the latter group said they felt an increase in self-perception of success.

Best of all, the kiwi group reportedly experienced improvements in vitality and mood in just four days, with effects peaking between 14 and 16 days.

“Our participants were in relatively good mental health to begin with, so they had little room for improvement, but they still reported benefits from kiwi or vitamin C interventions,” said lead author Dr. Ben Fletcher, who He conducted the research as part of his PhD at Otago.

Scientists attributed these mental health benefits to the aforementioned kiwi’s high vitamin C content.

Interestingly, participants were given the SunGold variety, which is yellow instead of green on the inside, and supposedly has three times more vitamin C than oranges and strawberries, judged on the basis of the weight of the edible flesh.

SunGold kiwis contain three times more vitamin C than oranges. fake images

Fletcher said the results ultimately demonstrate how “what we eat can have a relatively quick impact on how we feel.”

“We promote a holistic approach to nutrition and well-being, incorporating various nutrient-rich foods into the diet,” said the scientist.

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