This video of Cam Newton getting jumped proves he’s UFC-ready


Cam Newton has been on Twitter for maintaining his composure during a fight in Atlanta this weekend. It all took place at the annual invitation-only We Ball Sports event. 7 on 7 flag football tournament which rewards up to $5,000 in cash prizes for the winning team, depending on Sport News.

Although many Twitter users refer to the fight as when Newton was attacked, it is unclear exactly how it started and why Newton became involved. But what’s clear is that Newton can hold his own and do some damage on his own.

would make an amazing UFC fighter.

Here’s another angle on the whole encounter.

Newton was recorded as weighing 242 pounds in 2018, but he probably weighs more now. That positions him nicely as a heavyweight contender or if he doesn’t want to get really serious, he could cut down to 205 to dominate the light heavyweights.

One thing’s for sure, he could be welcomed into the fold with roughly the same criticism that Greg Hardy received when he came to the UFC due to his history of Alleged violence against women.

For now, Newton should stay away from crowds and maybe take some MMA classes if he thinks he might get attacked again.

Oh, and Newton is one of the many athletes who co-own the UFC, so he could probably pull some strings.

Next. 5 UFC fighters who could have played in the NFL. 5 UFC fighters who could have played in the NFL. dark


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