| Today’s Horoscope – The Indian Express


The Moon is giving you an advantage. Now is the time to do a personal cleansing, to make a break with the people and places of the past, to prepare for a bright future. Now you can begin to look forward to the next month with hope, optimism and greater confidence. Pay more attention to younger relationships.

There’s an increasingly belligerent atmosphere in the air, with people around you eerily ready to explode. You should come out personally unscathed, but you should allow your partners to express their feelings. The problem is that you may find it difficult to establish the facts. Don’t be impatient: the truth will emerge in due time.

GEMINI WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: It’s time to face the real facts of the situation

Social commitments are likely to be costly. What could you have done to incur such huge expenses? All that can be achieved now is to limit the damage to salvage what we can from a financial disaster. Mercury will allow you to stay the course, but only because it encourages you to face the real facts of the situation.

CANCER WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: You may still face some opposition

You should really move on with your professional pursuits if that’s what’s worrying you right now. Many Cancers will support a partner or loved one who is aiming for a promotion. You may still face some opposition over a vital personal matter, but don’t let that bother you.

LEO WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: This continues to be a positive period of change

If you know what’s best for you, you’ll start planning a getaway now, whether it’s a short trip or a long-distance trip. There’s no need to worry about all those extra commitments here at home, as other responsible people should easily take care of them – at least, in theory! Overall, this remains a positive period of change and growth.

VIRGO WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: You will thank yourself for having been so farsighted

In many ways it is a mysterious week. Someone may be encouraging you to take a risk, but you should be warned that this is not the ideal time to gamble. If you decide to go for a get-rich-quick scheme, you need to keep something in reserve. In fact, if you plan for the future now, you’ll thank yourself for being so far-sighted.

LIBRA WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: You will soon meet someone

Social trends are looking better and better, the only downside is that some of your wildest hopes may remain unfulfilled. Be realistic from the beginning, otherwise someone might disappoint you. Venus, the planet of love, maintains a good romantic and social outlook and you may soon meet a person who will have a great impact on your life.

SCORPIO WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: You must offer freedom to couples

Your two planetary rulers, energetic Mars and stubborn Pluto, still have a challenging relationship. As they move, they will be like the irreversible force that meets the immovable object, so be prepared. Overall, this is a time for independence and setting out on a new path. However, if you need more freedom, you should offer the same to your partners.

SAGITTARIUS WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Don’t direct your anger at the wrong target

In general, the planets are very well positioned. The only warning is to avoid plots and conspiracies and, if you feel bitter or resentful, not to direct your anger at the wrong target. A generally adventurous air suits you well and I see you taking the initiative in all areas.

CAPRICORN WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Quick action now will ensure your future security

Everything should go as planned, as long as you put your family relationships and domestic affairs in order. That is why you should do everything in your power to reach an agreement with your family members soon. Quick action now will ensure your future security, at least in the short term.

AQUARIUS WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Travel is very designed for you

Now you can start moving forward with a very private goal, which seems to have romantic connotations. Travel is very present in your solar horoscope, which encourages you to take a short break. You are more likely to go somewhere close than somewhere far away. Make final plans soon.

PISCES WEEKLY HOROSCOPE: Your business plans must be put into practice

You should now feel much more prosperous, perhaps because of a recent windfall or possibly simply because you are more optimistic about the future. Your romantic stars favor discretion. Your business plans are about to be put into action, although you may have to spend a little now to earn more back next month.

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