Tyler Perry Halts $800M Studio Expansion Over AI Concerns

[ad_1] Tyler Perry’s planned $800 million studio expansion in Atlanta has been put on the back burner due to his growing concerns about developments in artificial intelligence. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter published Thursday, Perry expressed the need for the industry to anticipate the potential impact of AI, saying, “There has to be … Read more

Tyler Perry Halts Atlanta Studio’s $800M Expansion After Seeing Sora’s ‘Shocking’ Text-to-Video Model

[ad_1] megaproducer Tyler Perry has put a planned $800 million expansion of its Atlanta, Georgia, studio on hold after seeing the capabilities of The new OpenAI model, Sorawhich allows users to create video images from text prompts. “Being told he can do all these things is one thing, but seeing his capabilities was mind-blowing,” he … Read more