The brain’s food-seeking circuit overrides hunger signals | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Summary: Researchers identified a brain circuit in mice that drives them to search for food even when they are not hungry, focusing on a specific group of cells in the periaqueductal gray (PAG) area of ​​the brain stem. This discovery highlights how stimulation of these cells causes mice to prefer high-calorie foods and engage … Read more

Study shows differences in the brains of children who suffer from the disorder | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Children with ADHD have noticeably different brain function when they are at rest than children who do not have the neurological disorder, according to a national study published this week. Scans of thousands of children with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder highlighted a key difference: The National Institutes of Health study in the American Journal … Read more

How an ancient virus complexed our brains | Top Vip News

[ad_1] One study found that an ancient viral infection may have given animals the tools to become fast, coordinated and intelligent. According to a paper published Thursday in Cell, complex nervous systems emerged in the distant past after viruses inserted fragments of code into the genomes of vertebrates, animals with spinal cords, from humans to … Read more

How smells influence the brain’s decision-making mechanism | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Summary: Researchers have discovered a new role for the hippocampus in decision-making, showing that specific brain cells, known as “time cells,” are stimulated by odors to facilitate quick “go or no-go” decisions. This study demonstrates how mice learned to associate fruity odors with a reward, allowing them to make faster and more efficient decisions. … Read more