European Commission not happy with new Apple app store rules and fees | Top Vip News

[ad_1] March 25, 2024 A couple of weeks ago, Apple announced the rules that developers must follow to make their apps available through third-party app stores and even through simple web downloads. However, these rules were very restrictive and the European Commission believes that they may not comply with the WFD. The Commission “has initiated … Read more

6% commission on buying or selling a home disappears after real estate association agrees to seismic settlement | Top Vip News

[ad_1] cnn — The 6% commission, common in home purchase transactions, no longer exists. In a sweeping move expected to dramatically reduce the cost of buying and selling a home, the National Association of Realtors announced a settlement Friday with home seller groups, agreeing to end landmark antitrust lawsuits by paying $418 million in damages … Read more