Scientists test whether the space telescope could detect life on Earth | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Pretty clever reality check! planet here We have some truly epic news. In fact, there is life on Earth. A team of American and European scientists confirmed this not-so-surprising observation after simulating the operation of a proposed space telescope and then focusing the telescope on Earth, treating it as a distant exoplanet to see … Read more

Detect breast cancer using a saliva test | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Scientists have developed a saliva test that detects breast cancer, which is showing promising results in experimental tests, according to a study published Tuesday. The new wearable device detects breast cancer biomarkers from a small sample of saliva, say researchers from the University of Florida and National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, … Read more

The telescope will detect stellar flares and strange remote explosions | Top Vip News

[ad_1] red dwarf star getty As one of the most anticipated ground-based telescopes ever built, the Vera Rubin Observatory in northern Chile is about to finally see its fruition. Once its wide-field camera sees first scientific light early next year, it will begin searching for telltale optical signatures of supernovae millions or even billions of … Read more

Samsung Galaxy Watch gets FDA approval to detect sleep apnea | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Samsung just received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to use the Galaxy Watch to detect sleep apnea in users, the company announced. The company said that the sleep apnea feature within the Samsung Health Monitor app has obtained De Novo clearance from the US FDA. This feature, capable of detecting … Read more