Disabled man in interable couple talks about sex life and marriage

[ad_1] Down Angle Icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing downwards. Shane and Hannah have been together for eight years. Shane uses a wheelchair because he has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) Courtesy of Estudio Doce:52 Shane and Hannah Burcaw have been married three years and together eight. Shane uses a wheelchair because … Read more

Call of Duty Ranked Play and Zombies Modes Temporarily Disabled to Fix a Progression Issue Resetting Player Progress (Update) | Top Vip News

[ad_1] What you need to know Call of Duty servers encountered a bug overnight that is reportedly erasing game progression for weapons, ranked play, and battle passes. To combat the issue, Call of Duty teams have disabled player access to ranked play and Modern Warfare Zombies while the bug is investigated. There is no timeline … Read more

A pregnant and physically disabled model were real successes in this NYFW parade | Fashion trends

[ad_1] New York Fashion Week 2024 has begun, and the most striking fashion highlights from the countless exhibitions presented by designers have netizens excited for what is to come. One such show was for designer label Collina Strada, known for its self-expressive design language and sustainability. The brand’s creative director, Hillary Taymour, reflected on feminine … Read more