Scientists decipher the mysterious hidden rules of DNA in all species | Top Vip News

[ad_1] New research has revealed that “random DNA” is actively transcribed in yeast, but remains largely inactive in mammalian cells, despite both organisms sharing a common ancestor and molecular mechanisms. This study involved inserting a synthetic gene in reverse order into yeast and mouse stem cells, which revealed significant differences in transcription activity. The findings … Read more

Woman claims to be the secret granddaughter of Lamborghini founder and has DNA evidence

[ad_1] Flavia Borzone, from Naples, has filed a lawsuit before a court in Italy. A woman in Italy has claimed she is the secret granddaughter of the founder of the Lamborghini sports car. Flavia Borzone, who works as a beautician in Naples, also said that she has DNA evidence to prove this, after having analyzed … Read more