Odysseus lunar lander takes final image of a crescent Earth before dying | Top Vip News

[ad_1] In a moving moment captured amid the vastness of space, the Odysseus lunar lander, operated by Intuitive Machines, sent its final transmission before succumbing to the lunar night. With one of its legs twisted during landing and loss of power, the spacecraft left us with a wonderful and lasting image: a snapshot of the … Read more

Ultra-processed foods are linked to a 50% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and developing other health conditions | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Subscribe to CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious, expert-backed eating lifestyle that will improve your health for life.. cnn — Eating ultra-processed foods increases the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions, according to a new review of 45 meta-analyses of nearly 10 … Read more

Thomas Kingston’s last days before dying with his wife Lady Gabriella revealed

[ad_1] Famous By Samantha Ibrahim Published February 28, 2024, 10:01 am ET The final days of Lady Gabriella Windsor’s late husband Thomas Kingston before his tragic death have been revealed. The financier died at the age of 45 on Sunday in Gloucestershire, England. He was found deceased in a home and emergency services were called … Read more

Dying thief who stole ‘Wizard of Oz’ ruby ​​slippers from Judy Garland Museum won’t go to prison

[ad_1] DULUTH, Minn. – A dying thief who confessed to stealing a pair of ruby ​​slippers that Judy Garland wore in “The Wizard of Oz” because he wanted to score “one last goal” received no prison sentence at his sentencing hearing Monday. . Terry Jon Martin, 76, stole the sequin- and glass-bead-embellished sneakers in 2005 … Read more

Dying of cancer, DC-area singer Cat Janice releases final song

[ad_1] It was one of the first warm days last year and Cat Janice and her son were driving around in the car. Then the words appeared in their heads. “Dance until you love me,” they sang over and over again. They fooled around on that line frequently over the next few months, often while … Read more