Mumbai epidemiologist emphasizes that effective treatment of all HIV patients is key to ending AIDS | Top Vip News

[ad_1] New Delhi: Mumbai-based epidemiologist Ishwar Gilada emphasized the critical role that proper treatment for all HIV positive patients plays in curbing the transmission of the virus and potentially ending AIDS in India. “We can end AIDS now, as science has shown us evidence on how to stop the spread of HIV infection and keep … Read more

Bharat Biotech begins clinical trials of a more effective tuberculosis vaccine in India | India News | Top Vip News

[ad_1] HYDERABAD: Bharat Biotechnologybased in Hyderabad, has started clinical trials of MTBVACthe world’s first Mycobacterium tuberculosis vaccine derived from human sources, in India.The clinical trial will evaluate the safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of the vaccine. It is being developed by a Spanish biopharmaceutical player. Biofabri in collaboration with Bharat Biotech.Sources said Bharat Biotech will have … Read more

There’s a reason the conspiracy was so effective.

[ad_1] Kate Middleton announcement that she is being treated for cancer should put an end to the weeks of wild speculation about his whereabouts that preceded it. (Or, perhaps more likely, she won’t!) In any case, there’s a lot left to unravel about the entire episode, including how she became the frenzy that she became. … Read more

Early immunotherapy may be the most effective treatment for cervical cancer, researchers say | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Immunotherapy may be the most effective treatment for cervical cancer when used early in the course of the disease, according to a research article. The article, published in the Gynecological Oncology magazinenoted that despite the availability of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, cervical cancer remains the second leading cause of cancer mortality among women in … Read more