Study reveals how ancient humans escaped climate extinction 900,000 years ago: ScienceAlert | Top Vip News

[ad_1] About 900,000 years ago, humans almost became extinct. According to the results of a genomic study published last year, the ancestors of modern humanity were reduced to a breeding population of just 1,300 individuals in a devastating bottleneck that brought us to the very brink of annihilation. Now, a new study has found that … Read more

AI Could Pose ‘Extinction Level’ Threat to Humans and US Must Intervene, Report Warns | Top Vip News

[ad_1] NY cnn — A new report commissioned by the US State Department paints an alarming picture of the “catastrophic” national security risks posed by rapidly evolving artificial intelligence, and warns that the federal government is running out of time to avert disaster. . The findings were based on interviews with more than 200 people … Read more