The future of weight loss? New vibrating pill developed by MIT reduces food intake by 40% | Top Vip News

[ad_1] MIT engineers have developed an ingestible capsule that vibrates in the stomach, simulating fullness by activating stretch receptors, which in animal studies reduced food intake by about 40%. This non-invasive approach, potentially useful for weight management, is considered a cost-effective alternative to current obesity treatments. Swallowing the device before eating can induce a feeling … Read more

One teacher, 27, thought food poisoning was causing stomach pain. He was colon cancer | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Last October, Tyler Backel felt intense pain in the right side of his stomach. The night before he cooked salmon and was worried about accidentally getting sick. “I started thinking I hadn’t cooked the fish long enough and thought, ‘Man, this is really bad food poisoning,’” the 27-year-old high school teacher tells “That’s … Read more