Astronomers say a mysterious galactic ‘wave’ may have devastated Earth | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Astronomers are still discovering strange things in space, and the latest is something they’ve called Radcliffe Wave. This wavy chain of star-forming clouds is the largest coherent structure ever seen in our galaxy: 9,000 light years from end to end and stretching across the night sky from Canis Major to Swanwith Orion between. Now … Read more

Galactic dance reveals that the universe is younger than thought | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Galaxies falling into a massive galaxy cluster. Upon entering the group, these galaxies exhibit a blue shift compared to the central galaxy. Credit: Dr. Shihong Liao A study using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey reveals that the Universe may be younger than estimated, challenging conventional cosmological models by analyzing the movements of … Read more