The heaviest pair of black holes ever seen weighs 28 billion times more than the sun | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Two supermassive black holes found in “fossil galaxies” created by collisions are so massive that they refuse to collide and merge. The discovery could explain why, although supermassive black hole mergers are theoretically predicted, they have never been observed in progress. The supermassive black hole system is located in the elliptical galaxy B2 0402+379. … Read more

Black holes existed at the dawn of time and gave rise to new stars, according to a study | Technology news | Top Vip News

[ad_1] A new analysis of data from the James Webb Space Telescope suggests that black holes existed at the dawn of time, helping to create new stars and supercharging galaxy formation. This theory could challenge the current understanding that they formed after the first stars and galaxies emerged. He study published in The letters from … Read more