Intermittent fasting linked to 91% increased risk of cardiovascular death | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Recent research presented at the 2024 sessions of the American Heart Association found that people who followed an 8-hour time-restricted eating plan had a significantly increased risk of cardiovascular mortality compared to those who ate for longer periods. Research Highlights: A study of more than 20,000 adults found that those who followed a restricted … Read more

Intermittent fasting linked to increased risk of cardiovascular death, research shows | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Intermittent fasting (a diet that alternates between periods of voluntary fasting and periods of non-fasting) may be linked to an increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, according to a new analysis. The analysis, presented for the first time Monday at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago, found that people who limited … Read more

Credit card pandemic is hitting India with increased spending and defaults | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Credit cards have become more than just a convenient payment method; They have evolved into a means of financial freedom and accessibility. However, for many people, like 25-year-old Rohan (name changed), the lure of credit cards has led them down a dangerous path of debt and financial hardship. When Rohan got a credit card, … Read more

People with essential tremor may face increased risk of developing dementia: study | Health | Top Vip News

[ad_1] According to studies, people who suffer from essential tremor, a movement disorder characterized by involuntary shaking, are three times more likely to suffer from dementia than the general population. The findings will be presented at the 76th annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, to be held in Denver and online April 13-18, … Read more

COVID-19 linked to increased risk of rheumatic disease | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Min Seo Kim, MD Credit: According to a study published in Annals of internal medicine.1 The risk of AIRD was higher in patients with higher COVID-19 severity. “Emerging data suggest an increased risk of AIRD among patients with a history of COVID-19,” wrote a team of researchers led by Min Seo Kim, MD, … Read more

Ultra-processed foods are linked to a 50% increased risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and developing other health conditions | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Subscribe to CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious, expert-backed eating lifestyle that will improve your health for life.. cnn — Eating ultra-processed foods increases the risk of developing or dying from dozens of adverse health conditions, according to a new review of 45 meta-analyses of nearly 10 … Read more

Any Marijuana Use Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke, Study Finds | Top Vip News

[ad_1] cnn — Smoking, vaping or eating marijuana is linked to a significantly increased risk of heart attack and stroke, even if a person had no existing heart disease and did not smoke or vape tobacco, a new study found. While both daily and non-daily users had a higher risk of heart attack and stroke … Read more

Google Gemini Pro 1 point 5 beats GPT 4 Turbo Token count increased to 1 million | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Google recently introduced its latest artificial intelligence model, the Gemini 1.5 Pro, which represents the next generation in artificial intelligence. Built on the MoE architecture, this new model has significant advances over its counterparts. Google has positioned the Gemini 1.5 Pro as a superior model and notably advanced compared to its predecessors. The 1.5 … Read more

Hot Flashes, Migraine Linked to Increased Risk of Stroke, Heart Disease | Top Vip News

[ad_1] A history of migraine combined with persistent hot flashes was associated with increased risks of cardiovascular disease and stroke, according to an analysis of women in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adult (CARDIA) study. After adjusting for age, race, estrogen use, oophorectomy, and hysterectomy, women with both had more than double the … Read more

Siddharth Anand’s statement that ‘Fighter’ underperformed because most Indians don’t fly on planes has increased disconnection with masses: Trade Expert |

[ad_1] Released in theaters on January 25, on the eve of Republic Day, ‘Fighter‘ failed to achieve significant opening numbers despite the initial hype surrounding the film. Despite having a formidable cast of stars that includes Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshanand directed by the experienced filmmaker Siddharth Anandknown for his hits like ‘Guerra’ and ‘Pathan,’ … Read more