CFP leaders prepare to approve new ESPN extension and revenue division; Expansion not yet completed. | Top Vip News

[ad_1] The 10 FBS conferences and Notre Dame are expected to approve key details Friday that will bring the sport one step closer to the next iteration of the College Football Playoff, multiple sources briefed on the approval process said. The Atlético. The deal is a precursor to the approval of ESPN’s six-year, $7.8 billion … Read more

Union leaders bring together IATSE and Teamsters members ahead of AMPTP talks

[ad_1] lynette rice Using fiery language like “solidarity is the solution to corporate greed” and “if we don’t get what we want, we’ll shut it down on day one,” union leaders on Sunday held what was called a “unity rally.” to energize workers before joint negotiations begin Monday between IATSE and Teamsters Local 399 with … Read more