Professional horoscope today, March 26, 2024: Astro tips to improve leadership | Astrology

[ad_1] Aries: If you are already in a service-oriented role, then you can expect an improvement in your working conditions. This may be in terms of increased resources, a sense of belonging, team spirit or recognition for their contributions. Your determination and perseverance will bring you acclaim. If you’re looking for a job, be sure … Read more

MLBPA power struggle likely to end in vote on union boss Tony Clark’s leadership | Top Vip News

[ad_1] Do Harry Marino and his followers have enough votes to oust Tony Clark as head of the Major League Baseball Players Association? The confrontation between Marino and union leaders Clark and his number two, Bruce Meyer, could depend on that response, according to interviews with people briefed on the situation. Some club player representatives … Read more