How to eat oats to avoid blood glucose spikes, according to a nutritionist | Top Vip News

[ad_1] We all grew up believing that a bowl of oatmeal was the healthiest thing to have for breakfast. And it’s not our fault, the reality is that we fell for those million-dollar marketing campaigns that told us that a bowl of this fiber-rich cereal could reduce cardiovascular diseases and blood glucose levels. And while … Read more

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals that he feeds his two grandchildren the same oats as his pets

[ad_1] Schwarzenegger said Jimmy Fallon His granddaughters “line up” with their animals to receive oatmeal cookies The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Arnold Schwarzenegger on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” In Arnold SchwarzeneggerAt his house, his granddaughters love the same sweets as his farm animals. In an interview in The Tonight Show with Jimmy … Read more